Never Pass Up The Opportunity to Give by Loren Ridinger

You should never pass up the opportunity to give to another person. It is in the experience of giving that we fulfill our contribution to this world. We release the need to self fulfill and in its place we fulfill the need of our brother or sister. Giving is the purest act of love. It is an act conceived in the principles of which this world was formed. To give is to return back to your original being. The practices that we have adopted has taught us to look out for self first. To initiate an act when there is a benefit. What most people have failed to realize is that effortless opportunity comes when you focus on meeting needs that are beyond yourself.

Life with Loren Rally for Kids with Cancer episode

What you are looking to manifest in your own life is always connected on what you give in another life. If want a successful business, help build someones company. If you are looking to receive clarity, supply a need to someone without looking for anything in return. Lessons and blessings are always connected to giving. Never pass up the opportunity to give. Doors of opportunity always open when you give. These doors open when you least expect it, without effort. It is the law of reciprocity. You don’t give to receive, however, what you put out into the universe, you always get back. Never pass up the opportunity to give and bless your own life by being a blessing to someone else.




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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