Do you know that feeling when you barely slept, you have so much to do, but yet you are dragging around? Do you feel like you need a boost of energy but only have 3 minutes to spare before your next conference call, class or you have to pick up the kids from school? We all get those days when a simple task seems overwhelming, people seem annoying and everything seems dull. When coffee is not your option and sleeping is your worst enemy, getting a quick energy boost might be your life save. Your day might seem more brighter if only had more “energy”.
Here are few tips I often try to reenergize myself in the morning:
1. Splash your face with cold water: there’s is no better way of waking up your body than by splashing cold water on your face.
2. Get 5 minutes of sun: Whenever I am really sleepy or just having a bad day, I go outside and sit about 5 minutes in the sun, you will notice how your body reacts to sunlight and automatically boosts up your energy. Researchers says that light stimulates brain chemicals that improve your mood.
3. Take a 10 minute power walk. I love walking around my property or just getting out for 10 minutes, it will decrease your tension and boost your energy.
4. Watch a funny video: One way of waking myself up or boosting my energy is laughter. I like to watch a video that makes me laugh not only will you feel reenergized, but it will get you off the crappy mood you are in.
5. Spend 10 minutes with family or friends. Whenever I am in a bad mood because I did not sleep enough, I will call one of my good friends or my daughters to sit at my office and chat with them for 10 minutes. This will release all of your tension and rub off their energy.
6. Act with energy: We often feel low because of the way we act, program yourself to feeling re-energized by moving more quickly and speaking in a higher voice.
7. Listen to music or an upbeat song: I like to play the Black Eye Peas, Alicia Keys, 80’s retro music anything that I can sing to will revive my energy and attitude.
8. Create a To do list and tackle it: Nothing will give you a more rewarding satisfaction than tackling the most important thing first.
9. Have a smoothie: There is noting more refreshing than having a power smoothie first thing in the morning.
10. Drink an OPC3 cocktail: I don’t want to sound like I am promoting products, but I have found OPC3 vitamin to be one of the most powerful energy boosters not to mention does wonders for your health.
Do you have any energy boost tips you want to share with us? Send me a tweet @lorenridinger or drop me a comment