Owning a company means being on top of your game and getting things done quickly. I always say “act with urgency” as if the world was ending. In business urgency is a priority, no one wants to wait, your customers will not wait they will find someone else who can do faster! As an entrepreneur you must be fast, alert and demonstrate sense of urgency in meetings, interactions, memos and e-mails, and do so as visibly as possible to as many people as possible. People will not get the job done immediately unless you act with urgency.
You are the role model for your business, your tone and actions will motivate others, using urgency will make others act quickly and not waste any time. So how do we you do this? Here are few tips on how you can keep your company moving and motivating
1. Create action aim at winners: Always make sure your actions are exceptionally alert, and focused on success. Show some progress each and every day, and constantly purge low value added activities. Remember to be quick to reward the winning actions of your team member, always make them feel appreciated they will want to work harder for you.
2. Monitor the competition: Always be on the lookout for compelling data, people, videos, websites and other important messages from outside your company. Research your competition see what they are doing and if you can do it better. Strive to connect internal activity with external happenings and challenges. Continue to challenge your team to grow and do better than your competitors.
3. Find the Opportunity: You must always be alert to see if crisis can be a friend, not just the enemy. Think of a new crisis as a potential opportunity, most new ideas are conceived when in crisis. Find out the potential from a crisis and not only the dreadful problems that automatically must be delegated to the damage control specialists.
4. Deal with urgency killers: Remove and move away from those who are urgency killers, who hold no value of time. People who are not skeptics but by their actions keep a group of complacent or create destructive agency. You will not accomplish anything by waiting, you must take action while the momentum is still there. Take advantage while you’re hot! Sometimes when CEO’s and employees are riding high, complacency can creep in unnoticed. Ever hear the expression “you are as good as your last sale?” Always keep on your toes, never every become complacent. It’s easy to hand out rewards and praises without looking down the road and outside the box. Eventually a competitor comes along to trample you into the dust.
5. Eliminate fear: Fear can be your worst enemy, you must be able to take up challenges to keep your company moving. Challenge yourself and others, wake up each day with a sense of urgency both at work and in your personal life, and practice the recommendations above. Constantly critique your business and look for opportunities to improve. Lead by your actions, and the team will follow.