Stephanie Humphrey Failure is not an Option

She does more before twelve than most media personalities do in a day and she does it well! Multiformat reporter Stephanie Humphrey uses her composed combination of stunning beauty and brilliance, to bring to the industry a new vibrancy for on-air correspondence. Stephanie has just finished acting in the movie, “The Dark Fields” starring Bradley CooperRobert De Niro, where she plays a role that comes natural to her, a reporter. She also had a similar credited role in the film <strong “>“Law Abiding Citizen”Jamie Foxx.

Currently, she serves as the backup on-air traffic reporter for CBS3 Eyewitness News(Philadelphia) and the Eyewitness News on the CW. Stephanie continues to report on cosmo-chic living by hosting lifestyle and entertainment segments on, and “FanFlix,” an online site that highlights the many ventures of media giant, Comcast Corporation. She is also an Entertainment Correspondent for, where she interviews A-list celebrities, and reports live from red-carpet events. In addition, Stephanie flexes her writing skills as the Health and Wellness contributor for Hope Magazine for Women and as the Philadelphia Style Examiner for

STephanie holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from Florida A&M University, and a M.S in Telecommunications and Networking Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania. Loren’s World is pleased to interview Stephanie Humphrey brains, beauty and passion what more can a girl want!

1. What do you think about when life throws you curve balls? How do you handle it?

When life tries to throw me a curve ball, I get pumped because I’m always ready for the challenge of overcoming an obstacle. My mind starts working overtime to figure out as many solutions as possible that might get me over the hump.

2. What is the scariest thing you’ve gone for and how you work through your fear?

The scariest thing I’ve done up until now is leave my engineering career to pursue a career in television. To deal with fear/doubts, I just focus on whatever accomplishments I have been able to make, and use those successes to build upon.

3. There are many under privileged kids who would love to go to college, but unfortunately the can’t afford it. Any advice for these aspiring students?

Never give up! Whatever you have to do (legally!), do it! If you have to get a job, get two. If you have to go to community college, do it. If you have to wait a year or two to save money, do it. Also, do your homework and research every option. There are a lot of avenues available for financial aid and scholarships online. Check out y: Times; <br /> color: #0016E7;”>

4. What is your secret to multi-tasking?

Two calendars (one on my desk and one on my Blackberry) help me keep my schedule straight. Also, I have a whiteboard on my wall where I can write notes, ideas, and reminders to myself. And I don’t stress myself out when I have a lot to do, I just take each task as it comes, get one thing done, and move on to the next.

5. How was it like working with Jamie Foxx?
What this your first feature film? How did you land this role?

Jamie was awesome! We were in a scenetogether, so we got to spend most of the day hanging out between takes. He’s a very down to earth guy, and funny (obviously!). ‘Law Abiding Citizen’ was my first film ever, and it turned out it was a feature. My agent got me the audition, although I almost chickened out and didn’t go!

6. When do you feel most beautiful?

When I’ve just finished washing my face after a long day of wearing heavy makeup for the camera. I love being glam, but I love my natural face even more.

7. What is your favorite social media tool?

I’m a fan of facebook because I like keeping up with what’s going on in my friends’ lives. I use linkedin for networking, and twitter on my phone to kill time when I’m waiting for something.

8. How has the use social media if any improved your brand or business?
It’s allowed me to be able to broadcast what I have going on to a lot of people at once. Any appearances, etc. that I have coming up can reach as many people as I can send them to.

9. What gets you out of bed every morning?

An unfailing belief in my overall vision gets me out of bed every morning. I believe I can use my position in the entertainment industry to affect a positive change on my community. The greater my position, the greater the positive change, so that keeps me motivated to succeed.

10. If you were given the opportunity to interview someone dead or alive who would it be?

Alive – President Barack Obama. I’d love to try to get his honest thoughts on his feelings about his time in office.

Dead – My great-grandmother. I’ve been told that I get a lot of who I am from her, so I think the comparison would be very interesting, and the lesson I’m sure I’d get would be even better.

11. You have a degree in engineering what led you to the entertainment industry?

I did what I called a favor for a friend and modeled in a small fashion show. A woman there who had an agency suggested I consider it and I did. Long story short, some years and a lot of work later, here I am!

12. What advice do you have for those who are trying to make it in the industry? Where do you suggest they start?

My personal advice would be to “Be Fearless!” This industry is not for the faint of heart, you have to have a lot of confidence. Also, understand that this is a business. Your looks/talent/whatever are only going to take you so far before the real work has to kick in if you expect to have any longevity. The best advice I’ve gotten from other professionals in the business is ‘stay local first.’ If you can be successful in your hometown, you’ll get a lot of experience that can carry you to the next level.

To learn more about Stephanie visit her website





MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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