Making Dreams Reality

I talk about dreams constantly. I believe following your
dreams is the way to true happiness. And sure, we all have our own dreams. But
how do we actually make them a reality?

I was thinking about this question this morning. I think I’m
so used to just making things happen that I forgot how I actually do it! So I
decided to put a small set of instructions together that maybe help you
manifest your desires. If you repeat this recipe enough times, you’re sure to
become an expert dream maker, eventually!


Step 1: Clearly describe your dream

Write down your dream in a notebook and explain clearly what
it entails. You can’t conquer anything unless you know is exactly what it is.

Step 2: Why haven’t you conquered your dream thus far?

In that same notebook, explain to yourself what has stopped
you from reaching your goal? Go ahead and write out all the negative thoughts
that block you. Don’t even think about it just write.

Step 3: Deprogram yourself

Everything you wrote down in Step 2 are beliefs you’ve
acquired throughout life’s experiences. They are simply things you’ve told
yourself to believe. You can deprogram these negative thoughts by repeating the
opposite. For example, let’s say your belief is “I can never make enough money owning
my own company.” In order to deprogram this belief, you’ll want to download
phrases that are encouraging like “I’ve been successful as an employee; I am
now ready to use my skills for myself and become independently successful.”

You must work on turning your roadblocks into clear paths
every day. Wake up every morning repeating your encouraging phrases. Believe
them, and feel them.

Step 4: Make promises

Now that you know your dream, and you know what has hindered
you from making it a reality, it’s time to make some promises—and keep them!
Make a list of initial steps that can take you closer to your dream. Don’t
obsess over these steps. You do not need to see the clear path in front of you.
And remember these steps might change as you move forward.

Consider this list a promise to yourself. These are the
things you must do to take you closer to your goal.

Step 5: Do!

You know what you want. You’re working through your negative
beliefs. You have a few steps that will take you to your goal. Now, own up to
your promises and start doing. Don’t even think. Just do!





MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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