If the law of attractions is based on the principle that we
attract our desires and what we spend time thinking about, why is that
sometimes what we receive seems random?
Paying attention to what we receive—whether it be a new
project at work or a new person in our lives—is important to understand what it
is our mind is thinking. If you don’t control your thoughts and give them a
direct focus, you’ll end up attraction varies things that you might not be able
to keep up with. Which is why it is so important to be specific about what you
really want.
Of course, there are times in our life when we’re not sure
of the details. But having an idea of what the overall picture should look like
is important. For example: you know you want to be successful. Maybe you don’t
know exactly what career will take you there, but you know you want to be
great. Ok, so you want to keep your thoughts focused on wanting success. The
steps that will take you there will all fall into place once you are focused on
the big picture.
Other times, we know exactly what we want, which makes
focusing much easier. But for those who change their minds every day: you should
really make an effort to make a choice. Even if two months from now, you
realize that wasn’t the best choice for you. You have to try and stick to one
path to ever see results.
Take some time today to write down the things you want. Be
as specific as possible. Going forward, stay focus on your desires and the
universe will take you there. Control your thoughts by not letting them drift.
Be true to what you want and find the courage to stand by it. Your desires will
manifest in no time.