5 Ways to Make Decisions Less Stressful


Feeling overwhelmed? It happens to the best of us, especially when we’re trying to figure out how to make decisions less stressful. With everything that you have on your plate – work, children, living healthy, relationships – there’s so much to balance; a little stress is no surprise. When it comes to making decisions, reducing the related stress can feel like a weight has been lifted, while also helping to move the process along. Here’s the scoop on how to make decisions less stressful and hopefully leave you content and relieved.


5 Ways to Make Decisions Less Stressful

  1. Cut yourself some slack, seriously. You don’t have to be the best or be perfect all of the time. It’s even ok to make the wrong decision – things have a way of working out.
  2. Worry less about focusing on the details and embrace the big picture.
  3. Take a break from thinking about the decision. Take a yoga class, go on a run or even simply take 5 – in essence, focus on something else for just a bit.
  4. Weigh the pro’s & con’s. A time-honored trick that always works.
  5. Simply go with your gut. Sometimes your first instinct is the best instinct.

What do you do to make decisions less stressful?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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