Staying Strong During the Government Shutdown


For many people the government shutdown means more than not being able to visit our favorite landmarks or the national museums – they have been furloughed and are being forced to take a leave. If you aren’t familiar with the term furlough , it means a temporary layoff or leave from work, and for many, that also means no paycheck. Unfortunately, for countless government workers, this furlough is for an undetermined amount of time. Between facing the unknown and the stress of financial difficulty, the pressure can be too much – getting through the shutdown means finding ways to cope. If you’re feeling alone and frustrated, check out these tips for staying strong during the shutdown and keeping your positive attitude afloat.


Staying Strong During the Government Shutdown  

  1. Stick to a schedule. Get up, get dressed and go about your day rather than sleeping in.
  2. Get some exercise. Use this time to get fit and feel good.
  3. Take a close look at your finances and lay out a budget.
  4. Try something new – like learning a new language, writing a book or exploring a new area.
  5. Take this as an opportunity to see friends and family.
  6. Adopt or foster a pet! A sweet, furry friend can give companionship and a sense of purpose
  7. Stay positive. Keep your spirits up – this will eventually come to an end.

Do you know anyone who has been furloughed due to the government shutdown? How are they staying strong?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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