What If You Can’t Find Passion?

According to a recent survey, about 75% of the population do not know what their true passion is. Clearly, almost everyone seems to not be doing what they were meant to do. This is an eye-opener because doing what we really love is absolutely necessary if we want to be fully happy. Finding your passion can be challenging it’s not something that you look for instead passion finds you. How does it
find you? How do you know you found your passion and when do you pursue your passion?
Below are 5 questions to ask yourself that can you in finding your passion


  • Is there something you already love
    Do you have a hobby, or something you loved doing as a child, but never considered it as a possibility? If there’s already something you love doing, you’re ahead of the game. Now you just need to research the possibilities of making money from it. I started Loren Jewels as a hobby for my friends, but I realized this “passion” would be soon turnout to be a profitable business.


  • What sparks your creativity? One of my biggest passion is makeup. It’s not to surprising that I have my own makeup line Motives Cosmetics. I’ve always loved playing with makeup and creating my own colors, therefore I turned this creative passion into a successful business.


  • What would you do for free? In this society, we are ruled by the almighty dollar. That’s the way the system works, and that’s the game we have to play. The problem is, this leads many people to seek making money first, instead of what makes them happy.


  • Do you brainstorm? What comes to your mind right away? Don’t sit there start writing down ideas. Anything that comes to mind write it down. Look around your office, house, internet, your computer and all over your city for inspiration. There are no bad ideas at this stage the main purpose is to write them downand evaluate them.


  • What makes you unafraid of failure? When we do what we are passionate about, we have total confidence in our abilities. This makes us not worry about failing, because in our mind, how can we fail when we do what we love? Doing what you love is a success in and of itself, so failure is impossible.





MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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