Are you one of those people who is constantly doing things for others, while always putting yourself at the bottom of your own list? If so, it’s time to put yourself first and move yourself to the top of the list. When you consistently put others ahead of yourself, putting all your energy into doing for them, by the time you get to yourself, you’ve used up all of your energy. Women are notorious for putting the needs of others ahead of their own. But bringing yourself into the spotlight will give you the energy and enthusiasm you need to be at your best. Below are a few tips on to put yourself first and prioritize taking care of you.
- Make sleep a top priority. There are so many benefits from a good seven hours of sleep each night. It improves your mood, heightens your concentration and can help you manage your weight by regulating your appetite. Make sleep a priority, especially when you’re juggling family, work, chores, and your social life.
- Slow down! Focus on one thing at a time. Make yourself do this. We’ve become so fascinated with “multi-tasking” that we’ve forgotten why this
term was created in the first place. Take a minute and just think about all the things that you have to do to get one patient in and out on time. Worry about what’s going on in other people’s lives doesn’t help and won’t bring you back to the priority list.
- Go to a spa: Feel as though you need a few rejuvenating days of not-lifting-a-finger at a spa? You may not have the luxury of time or money for that kind of indulgence, but it’s the little changes you incorporate into your daily life that make the biggest impact. Start with these four “instant” strategies to rev your energy: move more, eat well, rest up, and get connected.
- Simplify: Eliminate all activities that do not contribute to your Mission or goals. Of course, you must first know your mission and have goals to strive for.It is easy to become distracted by requests and demands from people we love and want to show respect. But sometimes those expectations wreak havoc on our goal accomplishment and leave us feeling overwhelmed. Learn to say, “No.”
- Stay social. Having a social network of friends and family that you keep plugging into will lift your spirits and your
energy level.