Affordable Ways To Thank Your Mother On Mother’s Day

Mother’s day is just around the corner, Sunday to be exact! This means it’s time to start planning on ways to thank your mother on this very special occasion. Unfortunately, my mother passed away in my early 20’s, but this doesn’t mean I can’t celebrate mother’s day with friends & family and those whom I am a godmother too 🙂 Yes, I am a godmother to 4 children.

My daughter Amber is always one to make sure my mother’s day is extra special, she is extremely creative so she chooses to create special things for me rather than buy them. Mother’s day is a very special day and you don’t have to break bank in order to show love and thanks to the one who brought you to life. Below are some simple and creative ways to thank your mother and others on this very special day.

  • Surprise your mother: Does your mother live in another city, state or country? If so, this is the perfect time to surprise her. Most recently my friend Andrew Weissman flew down to North Carolina at 11PM to surprise his mother for mother’s day. Although, he might have given her a heart attack when she opened the door, it was a beautiful gesture that was totally unexpected.
  • Pimp A Card: My daughter Amber and her fiance Duane are notorious and famous for their intricate greeting cards. They make the most beautiful cards you can imagine, they are all hand crafted, personalized and best of all they are original. Even if you are not the most creative individual in the world, it’s the thought that counts! It’s better to receive something that came from you, that you took the time out to do, than to give something that is unoriginal. Trust me your mother will appreciate it more.
  • Spend the entire day with her. Our lives are preoccupied with our everyday duties so sometimes taking a full day during the week to spend with your mom can be somewhat of a challenge. Mother’s day is a special day, so you should make it as special for your mom. Spend the whole day with her, plan on things to do. Go to the park, watch a movie, take her out to lunch, take her to get her nails done. Whatever it is your mom will appreciate it and bond your relationship even closer.
  • Pamper your mother. Remember when you were little your mother your mother used to pamper you? I’m sure she probably still does. Mothers are caretakers in nature so it’s in their blood to make sure that they know you are taken care of. Well, it’s time to reciprocate all the nice things your mom did for you. Take care of your mother, do her laundry, help her clean the house, cook her a nice meal whatever it is make sure she is not doing any type of work on this day.
  • Cook her dinner. If you’re not a chef or can’t even boil water it’s ok! There are several online cooking shows and easy to do meals that even a 5 year old can make. Again, it’s not what you make her it’s the though that counts! It’s better to know you attempted to cook her a delicious pasta dish than not to do it at all. Even if it’s not the tastiest dish in the world, is all in the process and perhaps you get a few laughs out of it too!
  • Other things you can do for your mom are: bake her a cake, buy her flowers, make her a painting, give her a message, buy her a new pair of shoes, create a bracelet or necklace, treat her to a cup of starbucks coffee, spend time on the beach, get her a yoga lesson, get her a free makeup session with a professional makeup artist, give her a make over, give your mom a hug and lastly tell your mom you love her!

I hoped you enjoy some of my recommendations! Remember it’s not what your give her, but the thought that counts! Do you have other mother’s day gift ideas? Send me a tweet @lorenridinger or drop me a comment below! I’ll make sure to reply back


xo Loren




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