5 Rules For Texting

Has this ever happened to you? You’ve been waiting all day to tell your loved one the good news, you say “honey I have some exciting news,” their response, “give me a sec I have to respond to this text message.” Ugh! As if! I know this could be an utterly silly topic, but someone has to point it out. It really makes me wonder why we need to create rules for texting, but yes we need them! With any game there are rules and with every broken rule, you are one step closer to getting reprimanded. It’s harsh to be ignored, turned down and insulted by a text message! We are all victims, don’t act like you don’t do it too 🙂 How can we prevent this from happening again? Here are 5 rules for texting.

  • Don’t have a lengthy conversation via text. There is nothing more annoying than getting 10 text messages or BBM’s back to back. If the conversation is that serious pick up the phone and call the person! That’s not only annoying, but it also may freeze up your phone and allows for your message to get lost in translation.
  • Don’t text or response to a text while you are in the middle of a conversation with someone in person. If there is nothing that annoys me more is when I’m verbally speaking to someone, than suddenly they look down ignore me and start texting. Honestly if the conversation is so important why are you texting in the first place?
  • Don’t ignore my call and respond a minute later to my text? How many of you experience that? You’ve been trying to get a hold of someone, they never pick up their phone, yet they respond back to you immediately via text. Can someone explain this to me?
  • Don’t break the news via text. Not only is it rude is immature! If there is news you need to deliver you need to either do it over the phone or in person. At least do it over e-mail!
  • Don’t text while angry. Attempting to resolve a problem via text just calls for disaster. How effective can you explain something in 160 characters or less?


Do you have any texting do’s and don’t you want to share? Send me a tweet @lorenridinger or drop me a comment below.



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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