Get Away Without Going Away

You’ve probably heard yourself mutter the words, “I need a vacation,” so many times you can’t even count anymore. Between shuffling the kids to school and activities, it’s a balancing act between work and everything else life throws your way. For many of us, a vacation seems like the light at the end of the tunnel, a reprieve (even if just for a few days) from the phone calls, emails and constant car-pooling.

But, as nice as that sounds, let’s face it, a family or romantic vacation is not always in the cards. The cost of travel is so high, add on hotel stays, eating out and entertainment; a vacation often requires months of saving. Have you ever thought about the beauty of getting away without actually going away? Believe it or not, a staycation can offer just as many benefits as travel, without all the hassle. Check out these ideas for having the most relaxing vacation of your dreams without setting foot in the airport.

First of all, set some parameters. This is a staycation after all! You don’t want it to simply feel like time at home, where you’re tempted to check email and clean out closets. This vacation is about time together as a family, relaxing and enjoying what your hometown has to offer. That means turning off the cell phone, shutting down the computers and closing the door to the laundry room. Act like you’re on vacation and you’ll feel like you are.

Plan ahead. Do your research beforehand so you know exactly what your hometown has to offer for fun family or romantic activities. Make a list of all the must-sees and things you want to do, just like you would if you were traveling somewhere new. Start saving ahead of time so that you have some money set aside for things like museums, pedicures and checking out new restaurants. You can even save up to have a house cleaner come at the end of the week!

Think outside of the box. Does the area near your home offer things to do that you’ve always wanted to try like horseback riding at a local park, scavenger hunts, theatrical productions and food festivals? Chances are there’s a whole lot more going on than you ever realized. Do your kids (or significant other) always beg you to go camping? How about setting up a tent in your backyard for one or two nights of your vacation – s’mores, dinner on the grill – what a blast!

Ultimately….relax. This staycation is meant to recharge and rejuvenate without breaking the bank. At the end of your week at home, you should head back to the office feeling energized and ready to take on new challenges with a clear head just like if you had traveled far away.

Have you ever considered a staycation for your family?




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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