Autumn Hawk, The Woman Behind The Red Zipper

The woman behind the “RED ZIPPER” dresses, New York based Clothing designer, AUTUMN HAWK has set out to achieve a high fashion and wearable look in her collections. Every dress is now made with a signature red zipper with five percent of all sales going to AIDS related charities and research.

The line is sleek yet ultra feminine. “I love being a woman and I think it comes across in my designs.” -Autumn Hawk.

Because all the garments are handcrafted and not mass produced in another country, Autumn Hawk Clothing has achieved a very “V.I.P “reputation being worn by celebrities, socialites and the “fashion forward”. Autumn Hawk Clothing can be found in various boutiques around the country. All cards accepted and phone orders are welcome. Find out what motivates this young designer and those 3 words she uses to describe herself.

LW: Take us to when you first started Autumn Hawk. How did you come up with the idea? How did you go about the process of making your first garment from design to completion.

AH: I used to work in the entertainment industry, but when the recession my business got hit hard. Years later of bouncing around and not having a college degree my options were scarce. I knew that there was one thing that I could do well and that was design clothes. My passion for making clothes was taught to me by aunt when I was a kid. My parents bought me my first sewing machine at the age of 13 and I was hooked! When I first began my clothing line I was making all the samples and filling all of the orders thereafter as I grew into a company I began to hire a staff to produce garments and keep up with the large boutique orders.


LW: Do you have prior fashion design training? Is having your own clothing line something you always wanted to do?

AH: I have taken sewing/ design classes and I refreshed with courses at FIT but I don’t have a degree. I am a true testament that if you see it, you can be it!


LW: What 3 things have stuck with you since you started your line?

AH: Attention to detail, acknowledge trends but don’t be a slave to them and run your business with integrity.

LW: Has there ever been a moment in where you got shut down? If so, how did you handle this and encouraged yourself to move on?

AH: There’s absolutely moments where I’ve been shut down. Unfortunately, rejection sometimes come from the people you thought would really support you. That’s when you need to work harder and believe in yourself and your products. Sometimes, being “shut down” is a learning experience that will help you change your approach. I always like to say that “no” is just a funny sound someone makes before they say “yes!”


LW: Are you a firm believer of having or promoting your business online and through social media?

AH: I do think social media is the ‘IT’ way to get your brand out there. Yes, sometimes social media can be a little tricky because people don’t know their boundaries and I don’t like to put my personal life out there like others. I try not to post silly things like I’m eating for lunch, but that’s your prerogative. Social media is amazingly beneficial if you don’t abuse it.


LW: What is your inspiration? What drives you everyday?

AH: I can honestly say Autumn Hawk New York would not exist if it weren’t for Loren’s World. Blogs like this that are geared towards women are so needed! Let’s face it, we are wired differently than men and go about business differently. Loren’s World is my “go to” site when I’m feeling discouraged. It is inspiring to know that you are self made millionaire and did come from money or married a rich husband. Additionally my fans are a huge motivation for me.


LW: We have many aspiring entrepreneurs and fashion designers that dream of having their own line or in the process. What advice can you give them and what do you suggest they do to increase sales for their business?

AH: My advice to future fashion designers is rather than trying for world domination or pushing yourself into the limelight, focus on one garment at a time. The clothes should do all the talking. Remember I started out literally sewing every dress order that came in because paying for manufacturers was not in my budget. Now that I got a steady following I can focus on another things that are important to my business and pay others to help me create more garments.

LW: Which is your favorite Autumn Hawk dress and why?

AH: I love Peridot dress and the blue sapphire the most right now.

LW: Tell us about the red zipper? What is the significance behind it?

AH: The red zipper is in every Autumn Hawk dress. I give 5 percent of every sale to AIDS/ HIV related charities and the zipper symbolizes just that. It’s a way to get people taking about it again. We need to educate people more especially kids. Everyone has a charity that it close to their heart, this just happens to be mine.

LW: Who is your favorite designer?

AH: Roberto Cavalli has always been one of my favorites and Diane Von Furstenberg hits the nail on the head.

LW: If you had to make one choice power vs influence? or both and why?

AH: I would choose both! Momma didn’t raise no fool! One of my favorite quotes is “Leadership is not about image but impact.” I keep that saying in my blackberry as a reminder.

LW: Describe yourself in three words

AH: Loyal, creative, complex with an emphasis on the last one! lol!





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