How To Find Your Dream Career

Lately you have been feeling that itch. You know what it is. It is the most annoying feeling you when you have no idea where to start or how to begin. The itch of dissatisfaction. Your current job, although grateful for the paycheck, does allow you to be your creative self, purposeful self, not appreciative and let’s be real it sucks. You feel smothered and cramped in the box that your current profession has you in. You doubt if you can break away from the fear of really having the dream job you so desperately desire. Good news, ladies & gentleman your dream job could be just around the corner. Seriously! Want to learn how to break free from that boring 9-5 that you can’t stand? Here are few tips that will help you find that dream career. However, don’t just read them. Apply them. I want you to be happy, free, fulfilled, and blessed. Check it out!

– Get out and network. No one is going to come knocking on your door the only way for you to meet other people and find your dream career is if you network. I understand that speaking to complete strangers may be a little fearful however, in this setting, this is the goal. When attending events, never leave without at least three business cards. Introduce yourself. Remember, you are a business and you have to sell yourself and your skills. You never know what can come our a chance meeting.

– Utilize the Internet. Long gone are the days of just CareerBuilder and There are numerous sites dedicated to recruiting for specific professions. Try Linked In, event Twitter is useful when seeking a new career. You may be a click away.

– Utilize your networks. So many women undervalue their personal networks. Someone that you know may have access to a key connection to your dream job. Ask! There is a difference between complaining about a better job and asking key questions to your network to obtain a better job.

– Engage in social media. I can not tell you how many job postings I see on Twitter, Facebook and Linked In. Market America has posted several job opening. I have also seen job interviews take place on Twitter. Fashion Designer, Marc Jacobs hosted interviews on Twitter for a Social Media Director position. You have to be a participant in order to engage and recap possible rewards. Don’t close yourself off to the possibilities.

– Be open! When you think it can’t happen, it won’t happen. Be open to the possibilities.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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