How To Deal With Infidelity

Dealing with infidelity is a painful experience. The thoughts that run through your mind are too numerous to count. The constant lump that resides in the middle of your throat is joined by the nagging pain that scrambles through your stomach. You have no idea what to do as your life is now turned inside out and upside down. How could this happen is the number one question that you continue to go back to. Girlfriends and loves ones try to console you, however their words are falling on deaf ears as you can’t escape the loudness of your own choice. You have no idea what to do, yet you know you have to decide something.

You have choices. You have the power. You can overcome this. The betrayal of trust is not easy situation to endure, but you can recover. You really can. If you are in this situation, I want you to pay close attention. Life will go on. You are not alone. Many women have survived and have rebuilt their hearts and lives. You will too. Like anything this too will pass and life will get easier. Here are some ways cope and how to deal with infidelity:

– Cry as much as you need to.  Do not suppress your feeling.  Do not try to rush through the process.  Experience every stage of healing.

– Do not listen to everyone.  Select two people that you trust to communicate your feelings.  Everyone can not handle your stuff.  Select people who will listen, console, be logical, and will let the situation go.

– Silence all voices in your head except your own.  At the end of the day, you know what will work best for you.

– Take your time in coming to a decision.  Do not react out of emotions.

– Trust your gut instinct.

– Take time to yourself but do not allow this to stop you from living. D o not become crippled by your circumstance.

– Be honest with yourself and how you feel.

– Be accountable for your actions. I know you don’t want to read this but, a relationship does not turn sour from just one person. Take accountability for your actions so that you do not carry unwanted behaviors into a new relationship.

– Don’t beat yourself up. Learn and grow.

– Forgive, forgive, forgive.  Even if you do not remain in the relationship, forgive the person.  Bitterness and resentment only eats away at you and will cause you possibly miss out on the right person for you.

– Open your heart and get to a place of peace.





MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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