Dealing With All Types Of Anxiety

If you constantly bombard yourself with worry, fear and anxious thoughts, you will lead a life that has constantly waiting for the next shoe to fall. Living in the state, will not only have you mentally exhausted but will also cause numerous health problems. Breath, relax and utilize these tips to help you to get back to yourself. Everything will be fine. Here are a few steps that will help you deal with all types of anxiety.

1. Exercise: is an excellent stress and anxiety management technique. It eases symptoms of anxiety and stress. During exercise endorphins is released and that helps in boosting your mood. Medical practitioners recommend at least 45 minutes daily exercise from up to five days per week and this can be aerobic, walking or cardio.

2. Analyze and face your problems and fears. If you are suffering from phobia you should never try to face your fears “head-on”, but gradually, with the help of a professional, learn to accept situations that you find terrifying. Take proactive approach to your problems, do not leave your chores and tasks for the last minute, this only increases your stress levels.

3. Don’t overload yourself. If you work 12-14 hours every day and take no time off, your stress levels will inevitably rise. Know your limitations, take practical steps to reduce your workload, take time to relax and you will better manage your anxiety and stress.

4. Take action. If you have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder, take action- this will give you a sense of control and in turn reduce your stress and anxiety. Start seeing a mental health professional, join an anxiety support group, join the gym, start exercising, take any action and you are already a winner.

5. Manage your “worry time”. Many people worry about events that are far ahead in the future. Why worry now if you can worry later? If you can take practical steps to solve a problem, by all means take them, but there is no need to worry excessively as this will only increase you anxiety.

6. Listen, read or watch motivational materials. Simply reach for videos tagged with keywords “motivational” or “inspirational” and spend some time going through highly rated videos. This will almost instantly change your perspective and downplay your worries. You can also read inspirational books or talk to people who can inspire you.

7.Aromatherapyis a great way to relax – many oils like lavender, geranium, marjoram and others can help you relax and in fact have been used to help people with sleeping disorders. They are believed to relieve anxiety and stress symptoms as well.

>8. Use the power of affirmations– using positive affirmations throughout the day will help you fight anxiety – if you suspect that you might be having another panic attack, you can keep repeating to yourself “I can handle this,” and “I will calm down.” Even though this might seem odd at first, it will help you feel much better. Your mind will move you towards things that you are focusing on. If you keep on saying “I will calm down”, etc, it will take immediate command of calming you down and this has instant effect.

9. Sexis one of the most wonderful and pleasant stress & anxiety management techniques. Large amount of endorphin, which is a feel-good hormone, is released during sex and this explains why all people are happy after having sex. Studies have proven that sex and orgasms boost mood and reduce stress levels. Even though most of us lead busy lives, you can always find time for sex.





MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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