Loren Ridinger On Working Smarter Not Harder

There’s not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I want to do. The heaviness of the “to do” list that we prepare the night before has only seen two check marks by the end of the evening. We all have questioned, “Where did the day go?” I am a stickler for making the best use of the day. I have so many areas of my business that require attention, that I must be proactive in all that I do. I always believe that you must be extremely detailed in planning out your day. Otherwise chaos not productivity will manage you and your schedule.

You often hear me say, “I like to work smarter rather than harder.” This is a rule that I live by because sometimes you need a little play in your work. Check out these tips on how to work smarter rather than harder and please let me know if you see improvement in your life. Send me a tweet @lorenridinger

1. Tackle the hardest and most important things first: These items require your priority,time and action. Usually, these are the items that directly affect other key pieces. In tackling these items first, more than likely you will also eliminate other things on your “to do” list as well.

2. Delegation is key: Utilize the individuals that you have put in charge. You hire them because of their expertise. They can handle their specific areas. Also, delegation frees you up to create new projects and handle current business.

3. Program your brain to do things: Your brain is a powerful tool. You have the ability to control what you think and what you do. Get your brain on board with your vision.

4.Let others help you: You can not build alone.

5.Hire people or work with people that are smarter than you: Magic happens when creativity and input come together. When you hire people who are a few steps ahead of you, they spark your creativity, help you to think of things you may not have realized, and keep your company above the competitive edge

6. Wake up an hour early: Ease into your day. Don’t rush. Waking an hour early allows you to get your thoughts together and have a few moments to yourself

7. Schedule time out of your day to answer email: Email can be unruly and hard to manage. If you constantly stop throughout the day to answer your email, you will never get any work done. Schedule a certain time each day answer each piece of email accordingly.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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