6 Tricks to Keep You Punctual

Being punctual is one of the most important traits any successful business person can have. If you’re one of those people who have a hard time being punctual, consider that it comes off as inconsiderate and unprofessional to those on the receiving end. But it’s not just about others. Being punctual and respectful of your time is an absolute necessity for yourself – it’s a matter of respecting your own time and giving yourself the best opportunity to succeed by making the most of the time you have available. So here are a few suggestions to help you get started on the road to punctuality. Your career will thank you!


6 Tricks to Keep You Punctual

  1. Set your deadlines & appointments ahead: If you know you have a deadline coming up at 4:00 p.m., set it for 3:30 p.m. on your calendar. Same goes for appointments. This will trick your mind into thinking ahead and get you running on time.
  2. Set your watch ahead: Give yourself an extra 15 minutes of time to work with. Do this on your phone, laptop, car, and wrist watch so that you never give yourself the impression you have extra time. This will ensure you are always early or at least not late for appointments.
  3. Book yourself time for preparation: Use your calendar for everything! This includes scheduling time to prepare for meetings, events, etc. Any time that you need before heading out the door should be blocked on your calendar and treated as a serious appointment.
  4. Pick your outfit the night before: This may seem like a silly detail but musing over what to wear in the morning can eat up some serious time in your schedule. Pick out your outfit the night before, prep it, iron it, get the accessories, and choose your shoes so that it’s only a matter of throwing it on in the morning without wasting time.
  5. Schedule yourself: This means scheduling time not just for meetings or events, but for your own agenda, be it personal or professional. Book everything from your appointments to your time at the gym. If you don’t have it on your calendar, it will throw you off, making you late.
  6. Wake up early: If you get an early start on your day, everything else will fall into place. Give yourself an extra 30 – 45 minutes, just in case you happen to snooze. Ideally, use the extra time to meditate and reflect on your day before getting it started. This will ensure that you have proper preparation and aren’t rushing through your schedule.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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