How To Infuse Your Kids With The Entrepreneurial Spirit

There are many lessons we want to teach our children as they grow. We want them to be great people, with excellent senses of humor, smart, kind and ready to take on any challenge – but in addition, infusing them with an entrepreneurial spirit is key to making it in this world. Raising independent kids, who are able to think outside the box, stand up on their own and work hard to get a job done, means we’re contributing to a generation of creativity and spirit. From learning to take an idea through to fruition, to having the confidence to share that idea with the world, here’s some of the best food for thought when it comes to infusing your kids with the entrepreneurial spirit you love.


Be the example they need. We all know that children mimic our every move. They want to be just like their mom, dad, aunts, uncles and older siblings – so showing them a sense of ingenuity is essential. When they see those they look up to taking an idea or a dream and turning it into a reality, they get a sense of entrepreneurism at a very early age.

Give your children a chance to participate. If you are an entrepreneur in any form, including your children in that opportunity teaches them how to work hard, independently. If you run a small business or work for yourself in some capacity, give your children small tasks that will infuse the notion of working hard. As they grow, let them grow with the business – increasing their responsibilities and contributing ideas.

Take them along to workshops, conferences, meetings – anything where they can begin to understand the value of networking and information. Let them learn as you learn, participate as you do and, eventually you’ll have a budding entrepreneur.

Encourage their ideas – no matter how silly they might be. Kids have huge imaginations – a core quality to successful entrepreneurs. How many times have we heard stories of someone who dreams something big, no one thinks they can do it – and then suddenly, a success story is born! Encouraging your children’s dreams from the start means they won’t be afraid to turn their most wild ideas into reality.

Let them earn their own money and open a bank account where they can see their investment grow. When your kids are given the chance to help with your business and actually earn their own money, they understand how hard work and the value of a dollar equate. Infusing this at a young age doesn’t simply teach financial lessons, but rather creates an understanding regarding that the sky is the limit when it comes to being an entrepreneur.

Do you try to infuse your kids with an entrepreneurial spirit? How do they respond?




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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