3 Ways To Get More Time Out Of 24 Hours

Do you ever wish you had extra hours during your 24 hour schedule?  From getting the kids ready for school, preparing for a big test, meeting, picking up laundry, conference calls, taking care of your husband, working out, cooking, and cleaning who has the time?  As an entrepreneur and a mother is important to use your time wisely.

3 Personal Things You Need As An Entrepreneur

Time management is critical if you want to succeed in life especially if you’re a mom.  “Always do your most important tasks first and the rest of your day will be a breeze” is what I always tell those who ask me for advice.  So many of you want to know how do I manage to get so much done in 24 hours?  Here are 3 ways to get more out of 24 hours and do the things you love:

Steve Jobs Top 5 Quotes of All Time

10 Things You Can Do In 30 Minutes

1. Move your clock 15 minutes: Waking up even 15 minutes earlier will buy you extra time to drink your coffee, take more time to do you hair or pick out what to wear.

2. Shop smarter: Why drive to the stores, get stuck in traffic, and then you get to the store and you don’t see anything you like?  Instead of wasting my time and driving a extra 30 minutes to a store, I shop online from the convenience of my own home.  Let the website do the legwork not you.  Not only will you be saving time, but you will saving money on gas.

3. Focus with no interruptions: Make it a habit to focus on a project at least for 30 minutes with no interruptions.  Don’t take any meetings, calls, conference, if you have to turn off your blackberry.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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