Words to Eliminate from Your Vocabulary – Now!

Words & Phrases to Eliminate from Your Vocabulary

Have you ever met someone who has you instantly in tune with their negativity? As though you can sense it within the first few moments of conversation? Believe it or not, vocabulary says a lot about a person – especially when it comes to attitude. There are those positive relationships we all have – the people we love to be around. They’re inspiring, trustworthy and they make you feel like you can do anything you put your mind to. Their vocabularies are typically loaded with positive vibes: I can, I will, I’m going to do this – in a nutshell, they’re going for it. While other relationships may put off a more negative vibe – always talking about what they can’t do, won’t do or don’t want to do. So where do you want to be? More than likely: on the positive side of the coin, right? Here’s an easy way to get started – with negative words to eliminate from your vocabulary, stat.

Words & Phrases to Eliminate from Your Vocabulary

Words to Eliminate from Your Vocabulary

I can’t. Want to fail at something almost instantaneously? Tell yourself you can’t do it – rather than, “I think I can!” Stop using the big “C” word and instantly turn frustrations into successes.

Maybe. Talk about being wishy-washy rather than taking a stand for what you will do, won’t do or what you believe in. Quit the maybes and stand behind your convictions.

Someday. How about exchanging “today” for “someday….”? An instant solution to becoming action-oriented rather than making everything something you’ll work on later.

Ugly. Why even go there, right?

I have to. What about giving this phrase a makeover? Replace it with “I get to” and see how much more positive the whole experience becomes?

I’m useless. Well, first of all – no you’re not. And secondly, what a terrible way to view yourself or another person. Everyone has unique talents and skills – and it’s about putting those skills into action.

This is boring. While some activities may be a bit drier than others, being bored comes from within. No matter where you are, what you’re doing or where you’re headed – you have the ability to learn. Be excited and engaged rather than bored.

What do you think? Can you turn negative words into positive vibes?



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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