What Every Working Mom Should Be Teaching Her Daughter

Mother Daughter Date Ideas | Loren's World

There is absolutely no doubt that having children is a life changing experience. For any moms and dads out there, the birth of a child means a whole new level of love that was tough to comprehend before parenthood. And teaching those children to become good people is one of the most difficult, but rewarding jobs out there. When it comes to mothers and daughters, the relationship is so important. As a mother, you’re passing your own life experiences along, hoping that she will grow up to be a well-rounded and strong individual. But what about a working mom setting up her daughter to face the workforce in years to come? From having an understanding of gender equality to knowing that she can reach every one of her dreams, here’s a look at what every working mom should be teaching her daughter.

Mother Daughter Date Ideas | Loren's World

What Every Working Mom Should be Teaching Her Daughter

You can do anything a boy can do. Learning young about gender equality is essential for growing up to become a strong and independent woman in the workforce – and that starts on the playground. Whether your daughter is 2 or 20, instilling the ideals of equality means letting her know she is just as strong as the guy next to her. Encourage her to get her hands dirty and join the boys on the playground – riding bikes, running around, playing sports – it’s all part of having the understanding that we’re all equal.

You can set your own goals and reach them. Whether she wants to be a superhero or a doctor, encouraging your daughter to have dreams and aspirations means she’ll continue to reach for the stars as she grows. From understanding that she can achieve anything she puts her mind to, to actually following through on goals like college or other professional training, having a goal oriented mindset starts early. Help her to set small goals when she’s young – like saving allowance for something special or trying out for the soccer team – over time, you’ll see goals and dreams work together to become success.

You don’t need anyone but yourself to turn your dreams into reality. It’s essential that young girls know to have their own backs starting from day 1 – you are the one who will make your dreams come true. Whether it’s getting through challenging classes at school or climbing the ranks in corporate America – your successes are a product of your own had work – and that translates into seeing your dreams become reality. Learning to be a team player and work together of course go hand-in-hand, but at the end of the day – you are your own best motivation.

Don’t let anyone stop you, tell you no or lead you astray from your dreams. People are going to get in your way – that’s just the way life is. But, you don’t have to let them get you down. When you reach a roadblock, get creative. Let your voice be heard and let your hard work shine through. Don’t be afraid to speak up, let your concerns be known and continue to move forward chasing those dreams – no matter who tries to slow you down.

Do you have a daughter? What lessons are most important for you to instill in her?



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