How To Let Go Of Procrastination

Oh, procrastination. These days it’s so easy to get distracted by any little thing. The Internet can be helpful when you need to look something up fast, but when I need to get work done, it can be a time sucker. I need to get something pressing done but somehow I end up on Netflix, Facebook or Pintrest. The struggle to regain self-control and get things done feels impossible sometimes. Can you relate? It’s not easy but there are ways to stop procrastinating and get you on the right track.


Nix Those Time Wasters- Where do you waste the most time? For me, it’s my phone. When I pop open that Facebook app, it’s all over. Before I know it, I’m half an hour into a link on my feed about the color of my aura when I should be getting some work done. Here’s what to do: delete the app, or get rid of the Netflix (Tumblr, Pintrest, etc) account. Do something to try to keep yourself away from those time wasters. Regain those self-control habits, and once you’re ready you can re-download and use sparingly. The choice is yours.

Create A To-Do List- My suggestion is to create a to-do list with all the projects and things you really need to get done and scratch them off as you go. You have no idea how satisfying it is to scratch something off of your to-do list. Accomplishing things makes people happy, so do yourself a favor and make that to-do list your, well- you know.

Keep Your Goals Near You- We all have dreams. You need to turn those dreams into goals. Write down those goals on a piece of paper and keep that with you at all times. Maybe write them on a post-it and stick it to your to-do lists. If you have an eye on your goals, on the main thing you’re working towards, do you really think you’ll be wasting time or procrastinating?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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