Relationship Talk: What it Means to Be a Good Friend

What it Means to Be a Good Friend | Loren's World

When it comes down to it, there’s nothing better than a good girlfriend. They’re with you in the best times for uncontrollable laughter and they’re with you when you’re down and out and can’t stop crying – it’s just the way it is. And, we wouldn’t have it any other way. No matter if you’ve known one another for a lifetime or your friendship has been fast and new, not everyone you meet ends up your bestie – but when you find the ones that are – you’ll keep them for a lifetime. So how do you keep a friendship going for years to come? Here’s a look at what it means to be a good friend.

What it Means to Be a Good Friend | Loren's World

Relationship Talk: What it Means to Be a Good Friend

Respect. Above all having respect for one another is the root of a solid friendship. Respecting the dreams and passions of your friends is how you become their support system – and vice versa. No matter how different you are or where you hale from, having basic respect for your friends – from their taste in clothing to their romantic choices – will build a solid foundation sure to stand the test of time.

Be there. It’s pretty simple when you think about it. What do friends want? They want to have each other around for both the good times and the bad. Sometimes your best memories are made with a friend – and to make those memories – you need to be together. That goes for the tough times too. Sometimes you really need a friend to be around when you need a listening ear or a hug, and that simple gesture of being there means the world.

Bring the positive vibes. Everyone has enough challenges to face each day with careers and family, so when it comes to friends – those relationships should be easy and positive. Coming together to support one another starts by consistently bringing a sense of positivity, love and light to the relationship – why bring each other down, right? You’re there to laugh, smile and enjoy one another – so go for it!

Let it go. There are going to be moments in friendship when you get frustrated – it’s just part of relationships. But, when it comes to friendships, skip the grudge and let it go. Having those friends around and preserving those relationships is crucial to maintaining that community that you hold so dear.

Have fun! More important than anything? Having a good laugh and letting it all go when you’re hanging with your closest friends.

Do you have a tight group of gal pals? How do you ensure your friendships stay tight?



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