Be More Considerate With These Habits

We live in a world where being obsessed with ourselves is almost normalized. We suffer from “the spotlight effect,” where we think people notice us more than they do. We’re constantly updating our twitter followers on our lives and asking our friends to listen to our problems. When was the last time you thought about someone else? It’s just as important to be considerate of others as it is to be of yourself. Be thoughtful of others while also being thoughtful of yourself. It’s time to open up and try being considerate of others, for once. Read on, and be sure to use these habits in your daily life.


Be More Empathetic- Instead of projecting your own feelings about a situation; why not take a moment to put yourself in another persons shoes? When your friends come up to you with a problem, do you instantly give them advice? Or do you listen and consider their situation? Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. Consider it.

Recognize Imperfection- Embrace your own imperfections as well as the imperfections of others. You’re not perfect, but neither is anyone else. Once you come to realize this, accepting others as they are, rather than rejecting them will help you be more considerate of them. We’re all in this together and we’re all striving to be better. Remember that when you’re feeling impatient or annoyed around others.

Share What You Have- I love sharing experiences and giving gifts to the people I love. It shows them that I’m grateful for having them in my life. Who are you grateful for? Show them. Just a kind word via text is enough to brighten someone’s day. It will remind those around you that you love them, and doing this will probably make you feel good as well.


Compliment People- I’ve had to force myself to do this in the past. It’s easy to think that you like someone’s accessory or you think someone looks good, but actually saying it can be hard for some reason. Be more open to letting people know how awesome they are. Compliment strangers. It’ll be tough at first, but it always feels good to make others feel good.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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