It’s Winter, babes. Isn’t it the worst? Your normally soft hands are suddenly scaly and irritated because they’re so, so dry. It’s the curse of the chilly winter weather, coupled with the uber dry indoor heat – and it’s tough to beat. Despite the fact that there’s no stopping Mother Nature from cooling down the temps and sprinkling us with lots of snow, there are a few things you can do to help keep your hands as supple as possible, even in the coldest temps. Here are a few tips for how to pamper your hands in winter weather.
Load up on hand cream before you head out the door to work and immediately slip on your gloves. If you have a pair of simple cotton gloves – even better – especially if they’re somewhat snug. They’ll help seal in all that moisture being delivered by the hand cream. It’s a like a mini trip to the day spa during your morning commute or while you’re out for a walk.
Don’t skimp on the lotion. This is a tough one to remember throughout the day, but every time you wash your hands, follow up with a heavy dose of lotion. It will help keep your hands from drying out too much from all that soap and water. If you have to, keep a small travel size lotion in your pocket, your desk drawer, your glove compartment, your handbag – wherever! Just want to be sure you have lotion at your disposal at all times.
Don dish gloves every time you’re washing or rinsing dishes. May sound a bit extreme, but having your hands in all that soap and water night after night will immediately dry out your skin. Find a fun pair of dish gloves that you’d love to wear and make them part of your kitchen clean up ensemble!
Don’t be afraid to go heavy duty with the moisturizers. Most of the time we save the super concentrated moisturizers, oils and serums for our face, but the strong stuff can really make a difference on cracked and dry hands. Try using Lumière de Vie® Serum Concentrate once a day in place of your regular hand crème or moisturizer. Concentrated serum will help promote skin collagen and will go deep into the layers of skin to help combat that dryness.
Go natural. If you want to get right down to it, sometimes natural products are the name of the game – and this is the perfect time to open your kitchen cupboards and bring out the oils. Coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil – whatever you’ve got in there. Give your hands a daily dose of one of these nourishing oils. Coconut oil is a great option because it’s a little easier to use due to its thicker, more solid nature. Try loading up on one of these oils right before bed to give your hands the chance you soak it all in and renew and regenerate overnight.
Do you struggle with dry winter hands? Have you found any great remedies to share?