Relationship Talk: 5 Relationship Killers

Relationship Talk: 5 Relationship Killers | Loren's World

There is no doubt that every romantic relationship is different, and on top of that every relationship has its ups and downs. It’s just sort of the way it is. Life happens. Things and circumstances change….people change. Not all relationships can handle the heat and some are able to muddle through even the toughest of times. But, no matter what knowing when things just aren’t working and why it’s time to move on, is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself and the other person involved. From infidelity to disrespect, here’s a look at five things that are total relationship killers.

Relationship Talk: 5 Relationship Killers | Loren's World

Relationship Talk: 5 Relationship Killers

1 – Infidelity. This one is almost a no brainer for many of us. If our partner cheated, we’d be done and out the door fast than a blink of the eye. But in many relationships, when cheating happens – couples work it out – things are just never the same. If it’s you with the wandering eye and heart, that’s pretty indicative that something is making you feel unfulfilled and you’re looking elsewhere for the attention and love you need.

2 – Lack of communication. When you stop talking, you stop working on the relationship. And, no matter what stage of the game you’re at – if you’ve just moved in together or you’ve been married for 50 years – you have to communicate with one another. Letting each other know what you need, what’s bothering you or what you can do together to make things smooth is essential for a long-lasting relationship – in fact, it’s probably the key.

3 – When you stop being intimate. Look….relationships go through their highs and lows and that goes for intimacy also. Sometimes you’re really feeling the romantic energy and you ride that wave for a while and sometimes you just aren’t. Unfortunately, it’s often one of those things you have to work at because life can often get in the way. You have super busy work schedules, you’re stressed and frazzled, the kids are running around and you have no alone time – no matter what it is – you have to work at it. When you stop working at it, you become roommates – and suddenly you’ll find yourself questions many aspects of your relationship.

4 – When you don’t respect one another. Disrespect comes in so many forms, but the big thing is that when you don’t respect one another, it feels awful. The hurt that comes with disrespect often goes deep and it’s tough to make it go away – so  learning what respect means to each other is essential. Communicating what you need and what constitutes respect for you is half the battle – because you aren’t mind readers either.

5 – A lack of trust. Trust is one of the main bonds that makes a relationship whole. You feel protected and safe with that person – often like you can conquer the world together. But, when that trust starts to go awry and you find yourself doubting your loved ones moves, actions, intentions – it begins to poison your whole relationship. Trust is a foundation that will keep a relationship solid for many years and when that foundation is cracked, other things start to quickly fall apart too.

When you think about relationships you’ve had that have ended, what was the common ground? Did they end for similar reasons? What’s been the common ground in your relationships that have stayed the course?



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