Motives: 10 Tips for Beauty at Any Age

Motives: Beauty at Any Age | Loren's World

There’s nothing quite as motivating as knowing you can be absolutely stunning at any age – and I am so proud to share Motives® Cosmetics latest video: Our Definition of Beauty…it’s truly an inspiration to every woman out there – no matter what stage of life you’re at. Take a look and then keep reading for my 10 favorite tips for maintaining your best and most beautiful self at any age.

Motives: Beauty at Any Age | Loren's World

Beauty at Any Age: 10 Tips

  1. Be comfortable in your own skin and play up your best assets. Got great eyes or fabulous lips? Make those the object of desire on your face with dramatic lashes or a neutral lip color that shows of their natural beauty.
  2. Make moisturizer your best friend and most reliable beauty go-to. If you have anything in your beauty routine – make it daily moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated, supple and looking young and fresh.
  3. Take excellent care of your teeth to keep them shiny and bright white. Your smile is one of your best assets and keeping your teeth looking great is an essential part of that – so don’t neglect them. Floss and brush every day and night – no matter what.
  4. Get enough sleep. There’s nothing that will age you more than when you appear tired, run down and simply out of energy. So keep that pep in your step and your eyes bright with eight hours of sleep every night.
  5. Laugh….alot. Want to look your best all of the time? Keep a positive attitude and a light outlook on life and you’ll always appear ten years younger…not to mention your circle of friends will continue to grow.
  6. Wash your face every night. Sometimes this is a tough one – you’ve been out on the town, had a few cocktails and you just want to crawl into bed makeup and all. Don’t let yourself do it. Stop, wash your face and get all that makeup off before you go to sleep. Give your skin that time for renewal, rejuvenation and oxygen…it’s just what the doctor ordered.
  7. Make antioxidants a staple in your diet. If you want the freshest, youngest and most supple looking skin – antioxidants are the name of the game. Add fresh berries to your morning cereal and make salmon a routine dinner.
  8. Take time to detox – both body and mind. Detoxing through diet is essential when it comes to getting all that excess out of your body, but detoxing the mind is also essential. Practice daily mediation and mindful use of your time when it comes to unplugging at least once a day.
  9. Let your confidence shine through. There’s nothing more beautiful than a strong, confident woman. So – strut your stuff lady!
  10. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. The lifeblood to looking great for years to come? Drinking plenty of fresh water, every day.

Motives Beauty at Any Age

I truly believe a woman can be beautiful at any age and I’m proud that Motives can help every face feel beautiful at every age. If you’re ready to indulge and find the right look for you, click here.



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