How to Stay Humble

Staying humble in a world that values individuality and getting ahead is not exactly ideal. It’s easy to get hard on yourself for not being perfect, or for letting your head get ahead of your heart. Slow down and consider humility. Being humble can make you a more respectful person and being a respectful person garners you the respect that you deserve in return. So, read on and find out my ways to staying humble. It’s all about evaluating yourself and practicing self-love, so don’t be scared. You can do this. Be sure to leave me a comment down below. Do you practice humility?


Accept Your Limitations- Listen, you’re not a perfect person and sometimes you can’t do it all so do what you can instead. You might be the best there is, but that doesn’t mean that you’re without flaws. Consider this when your head gets ahead of your heart or when dealing with competition. Slow down and try not to get too ahead of yourself.

Recognize and Accept Your Faults- It okay when you notice your imperfections and don’t get too hard on yourself when you do. Everyone has faults. Try to catch yourself as your judging the world around you. We’re all human so why do we have to hate so much? Work to address your flaws and faults with love and try not to judge yourself.

Be Grateful- Being grateful creates a humble attitude. It reminds you of everything you have rather than the things you need. You never know what other people are going through or what they’ve been through. There are people out there just as good as you are, but haven’t gotten the same opportunities. Think of that when you feel unhappy towards something in your life.

Don’t be Afraid to Make Mistakes and Accept Your Mistakes- Once again, you’re not perfect. Mistakes are a part of life and living afraid to mess up, isn’t a way to live at all. It’s also not great to save face for your ego. Let it all go. Own up to your mistakes and don’t be afraid to make more. It’ll teach you to be more humble and change the way you interact with the world.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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