There is No Shortcut to Success: 6 Ways to Get it Done

The Path to a New You: MAWC 2017

It’s funny when you think about the word “success.” We all define it differently and we all have different ways of getting there, but no matter what – we all know one thing – there are no shortcuts. When it comes down to it, no matter our definition, finding that sweet spot known as success takes dedication, hard work and a passion to achieve our goals. For many of us, success is a lifelong quest. While for others, it’s more concrete. No matter who you are, it means setting your eyes on the prize and going after it. If you’re just at those beginning stages – you know roughly what you want to achieve – but you’re just not sure how to get there, here’s a look at what you can do day-by-day to start down your path toward success.


There is No Shortcut to Success: 6 Ways to Get it Done

#1. First of all, set goals. You have to set a handful of goals – some bigger, long-term goals – but also some achievable shorter-term goals. Mini successes along the way will mean a lot and give you the added fuel to reach those lifetime goals that feel so far off right now.

#2. Secondly, take it all day-by-day. Despite the fact that you’re setting huge goals for yourself, you can only do what you can today. You know the saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”? Well neither is your success. It takes time, commitment and small achievements – so stick to the plan and you’ll be good to go.

#3. Wake up every day ready to tackle it, achieve things and be the best version of yourself you can be. Why be anything less? Why not value each moment and each day in the best way possible?

#4. Make a list for the week and a more specific list each day. Make the list in order of most difficult things first to the easiest things last. When your fresh and feeling great after a good night’s sleep, tackle those difficult tasks first and chip away throughout the day, leaving the easy stuff for the end and perhaps even leaving some time to get out there and enjoy the things you love – like a round of golf or a walk in the park.

#5. Network every single day. For some people this is the most difficult task. It pushes you out of your comfort zone and requires that you reach out to complete strangers. Even though it’s tough, building up your professional and social circle expands your possibilities and could help lead to that big goal – success. Use social media to start that process by engaging with people or other business owners you admire. Comment on a photo or video – whatever it takes to get the conversation started.

#6. Attend conferences and trainings in your area of expertise. No matter what this helps expand your knowledge of your interests, but also opens doorways into new opportunities, supports your goal of daily networking and if nothing else – changes up the status quo of your day-to-day, often reigniting a passion that’s gotten off course.

It may sound tough. Might feel like a lot of work. And, could be completely daunting. But if you want success, if you feel it in your bones and you’re ready to find that passion within, follow these tips and you’ll be there before you know it. What does your path to success look like?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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