What to Do with That Extra Day in February

Leap Year 2016

Another leap year is upon us, which means we get a full extra day in February to do with as we please. Or, at least, it should really be that way. What’s the point in having a whole extra day if you’re not going to put it to good use? And whether that means taking care of business or just finally relaxing, the point is to make it count and do something to make it a worthy treat. After all, we only get a leap day every four years. So let’s make the most of it and really claim it. This is just a small list of ideas to get you started on the path to thinking up some things to do with your extra day in February. What you do you have planned?Leap Year 2016
What to Do with That Extra Day in February

  1. Take the day off. We always forget that taking time for ourselves is crucial to being well and rested. So maybe this is the time to plan a bit of relaxation before spring rolls up.
  2. Or, if you’re feeling particularly energized, get a head start on spring cleaning. You’ll be way ahead of the game.
  3. Volunteer your time. Give your spare day to someone who needs your time and attention.
  4. Do something that scares you. Challenge yourself to take over something that you’ve always wanted to do but hadn’t felt brave enough to. Time to take that leap! (pun intended)
  5. Catch up. Take the day to catch up on tasks you’ve been putting off. A lot can be accomplished with an extra 24 hours.
  6. Make it a long weekend. Use the extra day to make the most of your weekend and really enjoy your time.
  7. Try something new. Special day? Special mission. Make it the day you learn a new language or acquire a new skill.
  8. Reach out to an old friend. Catch up with the people who mean a lot to you but often go overlooked.
  9. Change up your exercise routine. Start a new yoga class or try barre instead of your usual things.
  10. Take it for yourself. Make it a mental health day. Have your spouse take over the daily responsibilities and give yourself 24 hours of me-time.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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