6 Things That Will Instantly Make You Feel Good

No matter what’s bringing you down, if you’re physically under the weather or just feeling sad and blue, there’s always something that will make you feel better – don’t you agree? From fresh flowers to home-baked cookies, there are just some special little touches out there that can easily bring a little sunshine to a grey day. When you’re frustrated or down, here are a few tricks to make you feel better almost immediately.

tip for a happy marriage

6 Things That Will Make You Feel Better Almost Immediately

  1. Jot down some things you’re grateful for. There’s no better way to remind yourself of everything that makes you happy than to see it all in one place. Make a list of the top five things in your life that bring you joy….your family, friends, pets, a sunny day…no matter what it is, it’s yours. Read the list back to yourself when you’re feeling blue – and you’ll instantly be picked back up.
  2. Give or get a hug. There’s not much in the way of instant pick me ups that goes beyond giving or receiving a hug from someone you love. A cozy hug immediately reminds you just how nice it is to love and be loved. And, sometimes – even if you’re feeling physically under the weather, it’s all you need to turn things around and remind you it’s all going to be OK.
  3. Snuggle with your dog or cat (or some else’s if you don’t have your own!). Isn’t it incredible how much love you can get and give from your pet? A pet is the absolute epitome of unconditional love – and sometimes that’s exactly what you need. Someone who loves you and can completely look beyond your flaws and shortcomings, merely to snuggle and make you feel better.
  4. Bake some cookies or cook up a pot of soup for yourself (or someone else). A little home cooked love goes a long way sometimes when it comes to making yourself feel better – even if you make it yourself. From time to time, going through the effort to whip up a batch of cookies or a pot of soup and deliver it to someone you love, will make you feel great.
  5. Take an afternoon nap. What a total luxury! Turns out sometimes all you need is a few extra z’s and squeezing in an afternoon nap is the best way to get that done. It may feel totally indulgent, but stepping away from everything, closing your eyes and taking an hour to yourself to completely relax is one of the best ways to feel better asap.
  6. Get outside. Turns out, even if it’s chilly, getting some fresh air is one of the best ways to cure the blues and goes a long way if you have a minor cold. Take a walk around the block, stroll through a park or slip off your shoes for a lazy walk along the beach. Take some time to sit down and take it all in – from the flowers, to the birds to the brisk winter air. No matter what season or what the weather is like, fresh air will make you feel better immediately.

Do you have any go-to solutions for making you feel better when you’re down and out or have been under the weather?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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