Follow Your Dreams While Keeping Your Day Job

follow your dreams, keep your day job, 9 to 5, business, side project

So you’re ready to start that Unfranchise Business! Or, maybe, you’re looking to get that blog up and running, or start writing that book you’ve been dreaming about since you were a kid. One small problem! You still need to work in order to make an income. You can’t just give it all up and start your business without something to fall back on. This can be disheartening for some. Some people give up on their dreams all together because they feel like their 9 to 5 is holding them back. Come on, don’t give up! Follow your dreams while keeping your day job. It’s all about being organized and making time. Read on to learn more.

follow your dreams, keep your day job, 9 to 5, business, side project

Lighten Your Workload- If you can, try working less hours a week. Talk to your boss! Your boss might be able to help you in ways you could never imagined so don’t be afraid to speak up. Yes, your income might take a hit but you’re opening yourself up to something new that might bring in even more money in the future.

Find A Part-Time Job- If you can’t lessen your workload, look for a part-time job or a position you can do while you work on your side project. Take up freelance writing or a virtual assistant position. This way, you’ll have more time for your creative endeavors while you make money!

Make Time– If neither of the former tips are options for you, then make time for your dreams. Sure, you’ll be tired. You’ll be working harder than ever before, but you’ll make it up in the future. Work hard for what you want. Go at it with full force!

Get Organized- Set time for you and your business. Always remember, that you deserve time for you, so be sure to keep up with friends and family all while working on your dreams. There’s only so much of you to go around. So get organized and make it happen.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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