Why It’s Crucial to Make Time for Your Friends

Tips for a Fun Friendsgiving

There’s always going to be times in life when new relationships, new careers, changes in family and other things get in the way of friendships, but when it comes down to it – we really need our friends. No matter what, our best gals understand us more than anyone – sometimes even more than our spouses and partners. And, life without gal pals would feel pretty unfulfilled.


Think back to a time when you’ve been really caught up with a new relationship. You both just want to be together around the clock – snuggled up in bed, watching movies, making dinner…you name it. But suddenly you find yourself wishing you could talk to your bestie – and you realize you’ve completely neglected her for the last month or so. Crawling back is tough. You feel bad, she’s hurt and it takes time to repair the relationship. So why not just make your friends a priority – always. They’re good for the soul, and here’s why:

Why It’s So Crucial to Make Time for Your Friends

You best gal pals are not your spouse, partner or bf. You need best friends in your life – ones that you can talk to about anything – from the most personal issues to things as carefree as shopping. No one can replace your best girls who can you slap a mudmask on with and drink wine while laughing hysterically over your favorite romcom. There’s no denying it – you need your besties.

Spending time with your friends is food for your soul. Having the chance to connect with friends, discuss life, relationships….everything is actually one of the best ways to make sure your relationship stays on track. You need that time to be independent, connect with other women and just be you. Turns out – your partner needs that too – time with friends is essential for giving your relationship the breathing room it needs so that you can come back ready to connect.

Loren-and-Friends Fat Joe Lorena Cartagena Eva Longoria Larsa Pippen Art Basel 2015

Your friends offer better perspectives on life than anyone else….because you can talk to them about anything. Your best friends are real. They don’t sugar coat anything. In a nutshell, they tell you how it is and they don’t hold back – often at the risk of upsetting you. But you know what? They’re friends – that’s what they’re for! Giving you an honest look and an honest perspective on life is their job. And, they’re happy to do it.

You can laugh until you cry or cry until you laugh with them. It doesn’t matter – they won’t judge. Your best friends are there for you, no matter what. During the best of times and even the worst of times – they’ll be there checking in and making sure you’re laughing when you need to laugh and crying when you need to let it all out. And, you know what? You’ll do the same for them – and it feels pretty good.

They’re fun! When it comes down to it, you have more fun with your best friends than anyone – and that’s great news. You need that carefree spirit, pure fun with no strings attached in your life – it’s essential to feeling fulfilled, happy and letting your heart and your spirit enjoy what the world has to offer.

There is no one on earth like a best friend, don’t you agree?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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