3 Top Life Lessons I Hope You Learn

Loren Ridinger Shares Networking Tips for the End of the Year

There’s nothing more wonderful than this life we are living right now. And, while sometimes it’s tough to stay in the present and can be a real challenge to be thankful for everything we have been blessed with, we have to. We each have just one life to live, so why not make the best of it? Is there really any other way? From surrounding yourself with like-minded people and friends to capitalizing on the opportunities of each new day to writing your own success story – we each have a lot of life to live and the time is now to start living it.

I have been on a wild ride when it comes to writing my own story – setting the tone for my own success by turning my passions into a business. I understand exactly what it means to create your own destiny and to believe in yourself, and my hope for all my friends, family and readers is that you can too. If you’re ready to take the challenge, are prepared to put some work into it and understand what it means to cherish each moment of this life we’ve been given, here are the three top life lessons I hope you learn along the way.

MAIC 2015 Day 1 Recap

3 Top Life Lessons I Hope You Learn

#1. Get rid of negative and toxic people in your life. Here’s the thing: there are so many good and wonderful people out there. So many people who can bring laughter and joy to your life – they may be funny or fun-loving, insightful or simply happy – their awesome energy spreads to you, leaving you feeling full and content. Why not surround yourself with people who bring that sort of positive energy to your life? When you find yourself surrounded by negative or toxic people, it’s time to make a change. Dragging yourself along for a ride that isn’t based on happiness is silly – we only have one life to live! Let’s make the best of it rather than letting negative people drag you down.

#2. Stop living a life of regret and embrace the opportunity of what has yet to come. Some of us have more yesterdays than tomorrows – what are you waiting for? Let’s turn that around. Embracing regret is no way to live – it can drag you down, paralyze you and even leave you feeling like that’s it – you’re done. So rather than looking at life as the years worth of mistakes you’ve made or opportunities you have passed up, how about flipping the switch? How about embracing what has yet to come. The opportunities are out there. The world is waiting for you to embrace it – we’re all on the edge of our seats ready for you to turn your dreams into reality – so what is stopping you? Why not make tomorrow a brand new day full of untapped chances to write your own success story?

#3. How many success stories do you need to hear before you write your own? When you’re frustrated with your own life and you’re down on your own accomplishments, it can be tough to hear about others who are wildly successful. But why not take that energy and turn it into inspiration? Why not write your own success story and create your own destiny? No matter what, the opportunity is out there. No one is stopping you from following your dreams but you. On the flip side, no one can make you follow those passions and turn those dreams into reality the way you can – they’re your dreams! It’s time to stop with the excuses, time to put pen to paper and lay it all out there. All it takes is figuring it out – a little ingenuity and some hard work will get it done, every time.

Daymond John: The Power of Broke

So, what do you think? Can you take these life lessons and fill your world with positive, happy people? Can you stop living a life of regret and focus on the opportunities that lie ahead? And, most of all – can you believe in yourself enough to write your own success story? It’s up to you and the time is now.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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