DIY Beauty: Honey Lemon Foot Soak Recipe

honey lemon foot soak recipe at home pedicure

Do you ever feel like your feet just need a break? Like they’re so tired, achy, puffy – you don’t even want to put shoes on! Happens to the best of us – for a heap of reasons – standing all day in heels, walking in heels, running, exercising, shoes that don’t fit quite right, too many summer days in flip flops…the list goes on. The bottom line, when you’re feet hurt – it’s miserable! Giving them a good soak is often the best remedy. The last thing on your mind when it comes to soaking your feet might be honey, but believe it or not, honey is moisturizing, antibacterial and even aids in healing wounds (think blisters). So why not? If you’re ready to give your feet the pampering they deserve, take a look at these DIY Honey-based foot treatments. They’re easy to make, smell great and will leave your feet feeling soft and relaxed.

honey lemon foot soak recipe at home pedicure


Honey Lemon Foot Soak

  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1-2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 lemon, sliced into thin rounds

honey lemon foot soak recipe

Fill a large container or tub with warm water. Pour in the honey and vinegar. Whisk to combine. Top the water with the lemon slices. Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes. Remove from soak, dry thoroughly with a towel and then apply honey & sugar foot scrub recipe.

(via Autumn Sunshine)


Milk and Honey Exfoliator

Milk and honey are natural moisturizers and honey has the added benefit of also being a natural antibacterial. Take one cup of organic honey and two cups of milk and put them into a basin to soak your feet. Make sure to mix these well before putting your feet in.

milke and honey exfoliator recipe

For added comfort, you can slightly warm the milk, but never make it hot because hot liquids can further dry out the feet and cause a burn. Soak your feet for 10 minutes without interruption and then start to massage your feet as you are soaking them for another five to 10 minutes to help them really absorb the milk and honey and to loosen the dead skin. Once you are done, wash your feet with water, pat them dry and apply a thick moisturizer.

(via Simple Household Tips)


What do you think? Are you ready to give your feet the royal and sweet honey treatment?



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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