How to Make the Most of Working from Home

If you work from home or remotely in some fashion like I do, you know it offers some incredible advantages. You have an amazingly flexible schedule, you can make the rules when it comes to what your office space is like and you can wear whatever you want. But, even with all those advantages, sometimes it can be easy to get trapped feeling lonely, a little bummed because you rarely leave the house and a little stir crazy.

Just like anything else, working from home is all about balance. Using the flexibility to make your life easier (but not taking advantage of the situation), finding ways to be more productive than ever and learn how to have the time alone that you need, but also have regular exposure and interaction with other people. It’s a challenge – especially if it’s a new situation for you. Since I’ve been a remote worker for so long, I have some pretty solid routines and tricks for how to make the most of working from home. Keep reading for more.

My home office in Puerto Rico
How to Make the Most of Working from Home

Capitalize on early mornings or late nights. If you love to work before the sun comes up while you’re whole family is sleeping or you’re a complete night owl. Working from home is perfect for you. If you can knock out of a few solid hours of work on either end of the day, you’ve freed up some time to be flexible midday. If you want to get in an exercise class or attend an event at one of your children’s schools – you’re free to make that happen.

Get dressed like you’re headed out in public every day. Even if you have so much to do that you don’t plan to leave the house, avoid the trap of working in your pj’s all day. It seems like such a good idea in the morning when you’re cozy and working away with your coffee, but when 4 o’clock rolls around and you still haven’t taken a shower or gotten dressed – you aren’t going to feel too good. Make yourself respect the fact that your home is your office and it’s your responsibility to have a morning routine that includes getting dressed.

Create a dedicated work space. If you have the space to make an extra bedroom a dedicated office, than absolutely go for it. Decorate it in a way that makes you feel like the space is special and unique to you and is a place where you enjoy spending a lot of time. When it’s time to shut down your work each day, shut the door and walk away. Don’t go back in until you’re ready to work again. Sounds crazy, but you need the separation. It’s easy to get stuck in a working around the clock habit when you work from home, so you have to know when and how to turn it off. If you don’t have the luxury of a dedicated space, make sure you shut down and pack up every evening when you’re finished working – now it’s time to focus on being home.

Loren Ridinger Shares Her Beauty Maintenance Schedule | Loren's World
My personal nook in New York.

Take a lunch break every day. Just like you would at the office, getting up and walking away from your computer for an hour or so each day is essential to staying on top of your game. Your eyes need a break, your brain needs a break and if your job requires a lot of time on the phone, your ears need a break too. Walk away from it all for an hour every day and come back when you feel rejuvenated and ready to go again. Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean you can’t take a break.

Use the flexibility to spend extra time with your family and friends. Working while your kiddos nap or are at school is one of the best parts of working from home. When they get home, you’re able to spend some time with them – you can even pick them up from the bus stop! Let them tell you about their day, have a snack and once they’re settled you can get back at it. Use mornings or lunch hours to spend time with your friends at an exercise class or even grab a coffee before the workday really starts. Make working from home work for you.

Do you work from home or are you new to working remotely? Can you work some of these tips into your daily routine to make the most of working from home?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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