Happy Thanksgiving! 20 Reasons to Be Grateful Today

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! From my family to yours, I hope you spend your day surrounded by people you love, doing things that make you happy. I am feeling so grateful today for another incredible year filled with beautiful experiences. We have a new family member to add to our gathering now, so it will be wonderful to celebrate with Amber, Duane, Ayden, Ayva, and our newest little one, Aydrien! God has blessed JR and I so incredibly with this beautiful family we get to call our own. And its this feeling of love and appreciation that I hope you enjoy today with your own. God bless and much love always. xoxo, Loren.

Happy Thanksgiving

20 Reasons to Be Grateful Today

#1. You’re Alive- You get to feel, take deep breaths and eat delicious food. You get to hear your children laughing. You’re lucky to exist now. You’re needed.

#2. The Outdoors- Even if it’s a grey day, you can find the beauty in it. Look up at the trees, see the people living their lives all around you. It’s a beautiful day now, isn’t it?

#3. Technology- You’re lucky to own your computer and your phone. We have access to information 24/7. It’s time to marvel at that.

#4. Art- Go online right now and look at your favorite piece of art. Take a good look at it and enjoy it. Let it depend your emotions and feel grateful for that moment.

#5. Failure- Be grateful for your failures because you learn more from them than from your successes.

#6. Friends- Your friends and loved ones make this world a way less lonely place. Enjoy the time that you spend with them. Show them you love them.

#7. Change- Change means growth so embrace that change with open arms. Think of how all the new experiences in your life have changed you for the better.

#8. Gifts- Physical gifts are one of life’s great joys. They’re a manifestation of someone’s appreciation for you! Take a moment to feel grateful for all those $5 birthday cards your grandmother sent you as a kid.

#9. You’re Healthy- Your in tip top shape right now! How amazing is that? Your body is there to back you up so give it some love right now!

#10. Physical Touch- You’ve gotten a lot of warm hugs and sweet kisses in your life. They’re amazing, right? Enjoy the next hug from your kids.

#11. Kindness- There has got to have been a time where you needed someone’s kindness. Maybe it was a random smile on the street or a good samaritan who was all too quick to help. Pay it forward and watch your day change.

#12. Laughter- Doesn’t it feel good to let out a good laugh? Laughter is the medicine to everything.

#13. The Present Moment- The present moment is all there is, really. Take a deep breath right now and remind yourself how good it feels to be present.

#14. Good Memories- A good memory can bring on good feelings. When was a time where you laughed so hard you couldn’t breathe? When was the last time you traveled? Remember that moment and savor it!

#15. Bad Memories- Bad memories give you perspective. Take a moment to feel grateful for those memories and what you’ve learned from them before you let them go for good.

#16. Your Parents- Where would you be without your parents? Think about that for a moment. Remind yourself of the times where they supported you and gave you their love.

#17. Money- Sure, money doesn’t buy you happiness, but it does help. Feel good about the money in your bank account. Remind yourself how helpful that money is and be grateful.

#18. Pets- Pets are the best! They always bring a smile to your face and help you get through life. They become members of our families.

#19. Having a Place to Call Home- You’re so lucky to be able to go home at the end of the busy workday. Not everyone is as blessed as you are. Keep that in mind.

#20. Music- Now, go on and listen to a good song! Smile and remind yourself that life is wonderful!



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