Monday Motivation: 3 Mantras for Having Your Best Week

Abundance-and-Success: How to Really Achieve Them

If there’s one essential truth I’ve learned over the years, it’s that one positive thought can change your whole outlook. A positive mind can and will give you a better reality. Trust me when I tell you that when all you think is negative, what comes of that can only match your thoughts. And the same goes for the positive. If you can train your mind to think more optimistically, the results will match that change. So if you’re just winding down now from your day and already feel drained and challenged, it’s time to put some positive mantras on replay for the rest of the week. Read on for my three essentials.

Abundance-and-Success: How to Really Achieve Them

3 Mantras for Having Your Best Week

#1. “I will learn to let it go.” This is probably the most challenging of the mantras because we often hold on to things, people, and situations that no longer serve us. Sometimes it’s out of anger. Sometimes out of a sense of duty. Whatever the case, if it no longer serves you, LET IT GO.

#2. “I do not compare myself.” Stop comparing yourself to others. It’s the most toxic and belittling thing you can do. You cannot compare your situation to anyone else’s. You are going through your own unique journey via your own unique path. So stop the comparison. It will only make you sick and angry. Focus on your own path and purpose.

#3. “I can and I will.” Simple as that. If you can believe in yourself to accomplish what you set out to do, no matter how big or how small, then you will be that much closer to achieving it. Believe in yourself and your skills. Truly believe in your talents and the possibilities they bring with them. And you will certainly achieve what you set out to do.

RELATED: 5 Truths About Abundance & Achieving Success

13 Powerful Mantras for Success

How do you get fired up for your week? Which mantras work for you?



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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