5 Brave Things to Do for Yourself this Year

Have you ever thought to yourself that now is the time to be brave? Bravery is a funny concept – in some circles it can be interpreted as being tough or throwing caution to the wind. But in a different context bravery is totally applicable to your day-to-day. It’s the quality that allows you to take a leap of faith, follow your passions and chase the dreams that have been swirling around in your mind for years.

Maybe you want to drop everything to become a yoga instructor or you’ve been fantasizing about heading to culinary school for years, but you’ve never been brave enough to walk away from your corporate life. Whatever the case may be, you can be brave. You can do things you never thought possible. And, you can make 2017 the year of you. Not sure how? Here are five brave things to do for yourself this year and change your life for the better.

5 Brave Things to Do for Yourself This Year

#1. Speak up. This is one of the bravest things there is because in some situations it can be absolutely, overwhelmingly terrifying. But you know what? Once you go for it, you’ll be so proud of yourself. Sometimes voicing your opinion is intimidating. You want to sound smart and well-spoken, but sometimes you just need to go for it. Well, this is your year, remember? Next time you’re in a meeting at work and you don’t want to go with the flow, but rather you’re interested in putting your idea out there on the table – don’t hold back. You’ll be surprised at how well-received your voice actually is.

#2. Admit when you’re stretched too thin and it’s time for some help. Another tough one. Another one that’s a brave and bold move, especially if you’re nervous about being perceived as a failure. Here’s the thing: no one has super powers. Everyone needs a bit of help every once in a while and no one will fault you for putting it out there. When all is said and done, when you get that help you need – you’ll come out on the other side more successful and much more organized. A win-win for everyone involved.

#3. Talk to someone you’ve been dreaming of forging a friendship (or a relationship!) with. Oh…the bravest of the brave! Taking that leap, going for it and making a connection with someone new can be so scary. But, imagine if you’re meant to be friends or you’re meant to have a romantic relationship – you’ll be so thankful that you went for it. Those first few moments of introducing yourself and striking up a conversation will be the most difficult, but if you’re meant to have a connection – conversation from there on in will simply flow.

#4. Apologize when you’re wrong. Admitting when you’ve made a mistake or when you’ve intentionally hurt someone isn’t easy, but when the weight of that hanging over you is lifted – you’ll feel light as a feather. This could make for a tough conversation, lots of tears or even an argument, but apologizing is 100% the right thing to do. Be sincere. Don’t apologize just for the sake of brushing something under the rug, apologize because you’re truly sorry that you hurt someone. Have a conversation about it, explain what your motivation was – and be honest – even if that’s twice as hard. You’ll thank yourself later when you can finally let the guilt of the situation go.

#5. Put your goals out there. This is especially important when it comes to work. It can be the scariest moment in the world to go to your boss asking for a promotion or a raise, but you know what? No one else is going to do it for you. Remember: this is your year. The year you make your mark. The year you make your dreams come true. And, if that means making a case for yourself and sharing your goals, then you go.

Are you ready to take that leap and make bold, brave moves this year? YES, YOU CAN.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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