Are you a professional woman dealing with the gender gap at work? So many professional women, especially in mid-management, struggle with handling unfair treatment because they are female. It’s such a shame that in 2012, where women run their own companies, have high ranking positions and have the necessary credentials to soar, still contend with gender inequality! If you are dealing with the gender gap at work, do not panic.
I know that this can be very frustrating, but you do not want to respond with your emotions. You want to think strategic. You are in the position you have because you worked hard. Do not allow your emotions to dictate what people see or remember over your work. Speak up about unfavorable behavior. You may think that you won’t get results, but you never know unless you try. A closed mouth never gets fed. You have a voice, use it!
Stand up for yourself. You are smart woman who negotiates, advocates, and represents for your company. You must do the same for yourself. You don’t have to come out of character, but allow your actions to display that you are a woman of integrity who will be respected. Use your resources and your business savvy to infiltrate change. Remember, you may have to be the one to create change in your work environment.