6 Goals and Objectives to Write out Before MAIC

Whenever you’re headed to a big event or opportunity to learn, you should think through your goals and objectives. When you know what you’re after and what you’d like to achieve, you’re bound for success. When you fail to plan ahead, you can find yourself floundering – unsure of the takeaways and not prepared to apply the lessons to real life. If you’re bound for Market America International Convention this summer, first of all – good for you! I’m thrilled that you’ve decided to take this awesome step in your life.

If you’re on your way, I can’t wait to see you there, but I can’t stress enough that I want you to think through your goals ahead of time. We all have different reasons for being there, from networking to product education – even to simply have some fun. Whatever your goals may be, let’s get them down on paper so that you can be sure you’re able to achieve everything you’re after. Not sure what your goals should be? No worries! Here’s a roundup of goals and objectives worth writing out before you head to MAIC. I’ll see you there!

6 Goals and Objectives to Write out Before MAIC

#1. Define your vision for your life.

#2. Take the risk of becoming fiercely independent.

#3. Create successful business habits.

#4. Understand what you have to do to achieve success.


#5. Define your dreams.


#6. Be ready to make a change.

Are you ready for Market America International Convention 2017? It’s going to change your life.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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