5 Ways to Network Successfully at MAIC 2017

5 Ways to Network Successfully at MAIC 2017

If you’re getting excited for Market America International Convention 2017, you’re not alone. So many amazing people will travel far and wide to meet up in Greensboro, NC for an action-packed time. I cannot wait.

To say that MAIC is my favorite time of the year is an understatement. I love it. Not simply because we get to share all of the new and amazing products we’re offering, not just because there are so many incredible presentations and opportunities to learn, not just for all the celebs, but because it’s such an awesome opportunity to network and meet new people.

If this is your first time at MAIC, then be prepared. You’ll leave with so many new friends and business connections, you’ll be amazed. You’ll want to be ready to introduce yourself, ask questions and reach out to anyone who seems like an interesting individual. Here’s a look at five ways to network successfully at MAIC 2017.

Loren with Crowd MAIC 2016 Day 1

5 Ways to Network Successfully at MAIC 2017

#1. Start networking even before you get there. Social media is such an incredible way of helping to build connections before you even arrive at MAIC. Get out there and make some connections on LinkedIn, Facebook and even Instagram to start building your Market America network now. Once you arrive at MAIC, you’ll be able to seek one another out and make those in-person connections too.

#2. Make a plan. Knowing who you want to meet and what you’d like to learn about ahead of time is essential for making the most out of your networking opportunities. Perhaps you have specific questions about a specific product or team – know who you need to find and what you need to ask to get the conversation started. Also, don’t forget about your own talents and ideas – the things you bring to the table – also great for kicking off discussions and finding common ground.

#3. Just be yourself. Networking isn’t always about gaining or getting something, but rather simply being open to new ideas, people, places etc. So go in without an agenda, but rather ready to learn anything and everything that comes your way. You’ll be amazed at what an open mind and heart can do for you.

#4. Remember that any connection is a good connection. You’re there to broaden your network. And, while there may be certain people you’d really like to meet or connect with, anyone you meet is a worthwhile connection – never doubt that. People bring amazing talents and ideas to the table and you never know who may become your next bestie or business partner!

#5. Help facilitate networking. One of the best talents a good networker has is the ability to help other people connect with likeminded people. When you’re the one connecting people, it often leads to growing your own community and building additional relationships you would have never expected to build. Always be thinking about who you can connect to who and how one person may have something in common with another.

Are you ready to start building and growing your community at MAIC 2017?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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