In Good Company: Surround Yourself With Good

loren, loren ridinger, in good company, reasons to surround yourself with good people, sunday, sunday post

Sometimes in life you realize that the people who you have surrounded yourself with aren’t exactly who you should and want to be with. You begin to quickly understand that who you surround yourself with says everything about who you are and who you want to be. And, here’s the thing: you’re a smart, successful person who will stop at nothing to achieve your dreams and surrounding yourself with like-minded people is exactly how you’re going to get there. They can be your oldest friends, a new circle you recently met or coworkers you’ve been connected to for years, but if they’re negative, bringing you down or showing the world that they just don’t care – these aren’t the right people to surround yourself with and, as tough as it is, it’s time to move on.

In Good Company: Surround Yourself With Good


Oldie but goodie! Love this #tbt even though it’s Friday now @jlo @iamshawnbarton @lacarba #circleoftrust

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More isn’t always more. This may sound a little bit intense, but it really isn’t. More isn’t always better when it comes to the circle of people you surround yourself with. Spending your time with like-minded people who are also game to work hard and do what it takes to achieve their dreams – that’s who you need in your life.

Who you surround yourself with truly is a reflection on you. You never know who’s watching, who’s waiting to connect and who could be your next business associate or even investor – so presenting yourself as your most positive, most friendly and most dream driven person is where you should be around the clock. When your circle is on a different page than that – it gets noticed – and, that’s not what you’re after.

Your circle either rises you up or brings you down. You want to be surrounded by people who lift you up and help you become the absolute best you can be. And, sometimes that can be really tough, especially when you start to become somewhat successful. Think about who you spend your time with at work – are you hanging with the crowd who constantly complains about the things they don’t like or are you spending time with the people who are working to advance in the company and make something even bigger of themselves?

Are you spending time with people who have big dreams or people who are perfectly content with status quo? This is huge because it’s very easy to fall trap to status quo. Things are good – you’ve got an OK job with an OK salary, but all you do is think about wanting more. You’re constantly working and trying to figure out how you can achieve more, be more and go after more. But those around you are perfectly content to merely have the OK job and the OK salary. Is that where you want to be? Always looking back thinking about what you could have done and who you could have been if you had just worked a little harder? NO. You’re going to separate yourself from that mentality and keep on chasing those dreams.

It may be tough, but it’s time to recognize that who you surround yourself with gets noticed. You should be lifted up, not dragged down and that sometimes making a change is exactly what’s necessary. Will you make that change?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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