How to Make Small Changes in Your Life

career change, changes, small changes, life changes

Have you ever had one of those moments where you’re actually pretty much having a conversation with yourself about the changes you need and want to make in your life? But once that moment comes to an end, you don’t seem to follow through? Sometimes affecting change in your own life can seem like the biggest, most epic challenge and when that happens you’re almost frozen trying to figure out how to tackle it all. But if you can find a way to break things down so it’s a handful of small changes that equal something significant, you’re good to go. So let’s sit for a moment and think about it. How can we make something huge feel manageable? What are the ways to break it down? Keep reading for a few ideas to help get you started.

How to Make Small Changes in Your Life

career change, changes, small changes, life changes

You want to be more fit and healthy. Ugh…this one is such an epic and lifelong journey for so many of us. But, here’s the thing – if you look at it through different eyes, it suddenly becomes something you can tackle. And, actually….something you want to tackle. Let’s say you love spending time outdoors and you don’t do enough of it because you’re always at work and shuffling the family around to after school activities and everything else. How about instituting a 30 minute walk every day. Doesn’t have to be a fast walk. Doesn’t have to be long. Just 30 minutes. You can even bring the dog or the kiddos. But every day, no excuses…30 minutes. Your life will change from this. Your head will be more clear. You’ll start to feel more fit and you’ll want to do more fitness related activity because you’ll start to see some changes in your body. Other things will follow too…you’ll be so much more inclined to incorporate healthy meals into your week, drink more water and just take a deep breath. It’s all interconnected, you’ll see. Bottom line: start with something manageable.

You want to make a major career change. This is a tough one. Many people find themselves at a career crossroads at a certain point in life and it’s hard. You want to throw your hands in the air, walk away, do something completely different and just move on. But, you have responsibilities, bills, relationships, a family…all people and things that require a consistent income. So how about taking on some freelance work here and there or starting a small (very part time) side gig for yourself. Find what you’re interested in and figure out how to start tying into your life in small ways. Let’s say you really find your groove with this fitness thing and suddenly you know you want to be a personal trainer or a fitness instructor. Try getting an apprenticeship with your local gym…maybe you teach one class a week in exchange for your membership fees. Whatever it is, take baby steps…eventually it will all pay off.

You know you need to make meditation a major focus in your life. This can be pretty challenging for people, especially because finding even a few spare minutes is sometimes an unreal task. But you can make it a priority and you can learn to incorporate it into your day to day. Try using an app to get started, one that offers short (maybe just 2-5 minute) guided meditations. (Headspace and Calm are great options) Start by trying a short meditation each night right before you go to bed or immediately each morning when you wake up. Do this daily until it becomes your routine. You’ll suddenly realize that meditation has started to become a pretty big part of your life and one that brings you great peace. Eventually, you’ll be able to make this more of a focus with deeper, longer time spent letting it all go. The positive effects on the rest of your life will become more clear also, leaving your heart and mind open to so many new things and opportunities.

Have you tried making changes in your life? What are the baby steps you took?



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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