How to Make #SelfCareSunday a Weekly Ritual

How to Make #SelfCareSunday a Weekly Ritual, sleeping in, self care, self care sunday, ritual

It’s funny how we’ve moved so quickly from our summer mentality of “relax and enjoy” to our fall routines which include overscheduling, rushing and being generally in over our heads with responsibility. I don’t know about you, but this seems to happen to me every fall. We end up overcommitting, overbooked and suddenly I find myself stressed and in serious need of some downtime.

I’ve been trying my best to make Sundays a weekly ritual of self-care. I let the rest of the day unfold from there: a cup of coffee with the paper in bed, a leisurely breakfast with the fam and often a nice walk through the neighborhood. It makes Sunday feel absolutely luxurious and helps me reset and rejuvenate for the rest of the week. It’s something I’ve come to love and (honestly) am not sure I can live without. Here’s a few of my tips for how you can also make #SelfCareSunday a weekly ritual.

How to Make #SelfCareSunday a Weekly Ritual

 How to Make #SelfCareSunday a Weekly Ritual, sleeping in, self care, self care sunday, ritual

Sleep in without guilt. There’s nothing like a little extra sleep. It feels glorious in a way that’s not really comparable to much else. You don’t have to sleep super late like your teenager, just give yourself one day a week with no alarm. Wake up with the sun, you’ll feel amazing.

Enjoy your coffee. Typically on weekdays we’re racing around drinking coffee while getting ready to leave the house or even while showering and getting ready. Let yourself be relaxed and take that coffee and the paper or a book back to bed, to the porch or even to your favorite chair. Sit, drink, enjoy with no obligation to be anywhere.

Go for a walk. There’s nothing like simply going for a leisurely walk. Have no agenda…not a run, not something for exercise, just a walk to get some fresh air and take it all in. Say hi to your neighbors, stop and sit on a bench, get an ice cream – whatever it is – just go out there and enjoy.

Get a mani/pedi. Oooohh one of my absolute favs and such a treat! Sundays are a great day for mani/pedis because it takes a while and it’s totally relaxing. Schedule your next one and enjoy every moment of just chilling out while someone makes you feel like a million bucks.

Take a nap. I know, I know…with all this relaxing, you probably aren’t tired! But here’s the thing: just laying down and closing for eyes – even for ten minutes – can be completely rejuvenating. Practice your breathing exercises, dream about your next vacay, just take a few minutes to do absolutely nothing – a brain break of sorts. You’ll feel amazing and you may even find yourself truly drifting off.

Eventually, you may have to get back into the swing of things and start prepping for the week ahead, but you know what? Even these five little steps will leave you feeling like you took a mini vacay from all of your stress and responsibilities. Do you think these are priorities you can weave into your Sunday routine?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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