New Year New You: How to Focus on What You Have NOW

New Year New You: How to Focus on What You Have NOW, loren, loren ridinger, jr ridinger, focus on what you have, focus, love, passion, change

Is anyone else feeling great about the New Year? Like 2018 is where it’s at? If you’re having that feeling, good for you. This is going to be a good year! So how do we stay focused when it comes to being our absolute best selves? A lot is happening out there with so many obligations, goals, and commitments – it can feel overwhelming. It’s on us to make it our best year yet. It’s a New Year and a new you—if you want it to be! How can you take what you have today and leverage that for the best year ever? Let’s take a look at how to focus on what you have right now.

New Year New You: How to Focus on What You Have NOW

You want to optimize your fitness this year. Okay, that’s awesome. It’s a great goal and comes up annually for many people. Rather than making it a daunting task, how about looking at the positives? Which part of your fitness routine are you happy with? What makes you proud of yourself when it comes to fitness? Now, think about how you can take those positives and step them up a notch. Whatever it is, remember – you’re building on a foundation you’ve already created.

You want to take your career to the next level. First of all, that’s awesome. When you’re driven and ready to go after it, that’s half the battle. It also means you know what you want and you’re going to get it, no matter what. I love that. Leveraging your passion and your skills is what you’ve got going on here – you have built a powerhouse who’s ready to push things into overdrive – and, you should be proud. Take a look at where you are and how excited you should be at what you’ve built so far. Think about how you can take that and make it even bigger and better. Can you leave your corporation and go out on your own? Can you get that promotion that you know is waiting for you? Whatever that next step is – you got this.

You’re ready to make a big life change. No matter what it is, making a change is one of the most difficult decisions and processes around – yet it’s something we all want too. You can see yourself – that new self – loving every moment of that change. No matter what it is – a change in relationship status, a change at work, a change for your health, you got this. While it’s scary and overwhelming – remind yourself: you built the excellent foundation that will give you the power to make a change. You have the mind, body, and spirit to take any challenge that comes your way with both grace and grit. You’re here, and you’re ready.

So what do you think? Can you be that new you that you’re after while also reminding yourself of what you have NOW? It’s time to focus on the good while improving ourselves!



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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