After all the hype circling our admission into 2018, now is the time many people start to lose momentum, lose their sense of purpose and go back to old habits. You should never, ever let anything or anyone distract you from your purpose – if you’re not staying focused on your ‘why‘ to propel you towards achieving your goals, you’re simply dwindling off into the wilderness of existence with no direction. Here are a few quick ways to get your act together and supercharge your life.
Monday Motivation: How to Supercharge Your Life
#1 The elimination round.
Write a list of everything good and negative in your life (including people), separated into two columns. Eliminate anyone and everything who’s bringing bad intentions into your daily life.
#2 Reduce distractions.
If you struggle to focus, remove constant disturbances that interrupt your workflow or sleep pattern. TV keeps you awake late every night? Move the TV out of your bedroom and set a cut off time to start winding down on work nights. If friends or family members are a constant distraction, detach yourself, so you no longer allow them or their drama to infiltrate your everyday life. If your intuition is telling you that certain friends want to see you fail, eliminate them The most important element in achieving your success is YOU.
#3 Try something different.
You will never get a different outcome by using the same methodology. If your team doesn’t have the required skills to push your business or career to the next level, replace them with the experts who can. If you work remotely and rarely get out to meet people, sign up for a class you’ve always wanted to get into or try a different local coffee spot daily until you find a new hotspot. A change of scenery reenergizes and gets your creative juices flowing.
#4 Supercharge your health.
Incorporate healthy food and fitness into your working week – you’ll be amazed how much more energetic and productive you are when your body is getting the right brain food and stress relief.
#5 Never give up on yourself.
One of the oldest ingredients for success is never giving up on your personal development. Someone without a thirst for knowledge has lost their mojo. A lack of passion, enthusiasm, and drive is a tremendous turn off to employers.
#6 Organize your life.
Stop talking about everything you need to get done and get it done! Those who cannot organize themselves attract the drama and chaos into their lives. Supercharge your life by getting it in order.