Happiness: 8 Signs You’re Living Your Best Life


The pursuit of happiness is the Holy Grail of life. Many research resources are spent exploring what will make us happy. With so many ups and downs in life, it can be complicated to gauge our happiness level some days. What if I told you that you might already be happy, you’ve just been too busy to stop, look, listen, and realize it?

Happiness: 8 Signs You’re Living Your Best Life


Unless we’re unicorns drinking from the eternal fountain of positivity, there will be dark days throughout the roller coaster of life that makes us question whether we’re happy, depressed, or perhaps even dispute our sanity. Here are eight signs you have discovered happiness and are out here living your best life.

#1 You appreciate the little things in life.

Gratitude is one of the essential spiritual laws of the universe – perhaps even as significant as karma. It’s important to spend a few minutes each day, or each week, to reflect on everything you are grateful for and give your successes recognition.

#2 You love what you do.

Loving your job, as an entrepreneur or an employee is so critical. The average person works a minimum of 45 hours per week – that’s a lot of time to waste being unhappy, especially when you add on the hours you spend contemplating how much you dislike your job during the evenings and weekends. Failure to not do what you love in life is spiritual suicide. If you hate your job, why aren’t you looking for a new one right now? Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, so we shouldn’t waste time being miserable.

#3 You can detach to feel at peace.

There will always be toxic people and situations in life that can disturb our inner peace by infiltrating our energy. If you can quickly practice the art of detachment, you are already a scholar in one of the most powerful spiritual laws of life.

#4 You know when to let go.

Being able to know when to let go of regrets, people or situations that are poisonous to us is an invaluable survival skill. In addition to this, understanding the importance of focusing on the things you can change is a valuable growth lesson that will take you far in life.

#5 You don’t care what others think.

The ability to be you despite what others think is a beautiful and liberating existence.

#6 You know how to have fun.

You make time for the activities that make you happy.

#7 Failure doesn’t scare you.

All successful people fail countless times before achieving success. When the prospect of failure doesn’t prevent you from going after your goals, you’re living your best life.

#8 You have a ”yes” mentality.

Saying yes to opportunities is saying yes to living – nothing will hold you back.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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